Thursday, June 19, 2008


Nothing beats an invite to an exclusive birthday bash in Miss W’s book, and when the exclusive birthday bash takes place at El Ayoun - nothing less than their very own tenth birthday soiree thank you very much - well, this means a new outfit and hairstyle are in order for the occasion.

No sooner had I finished at the salon (boho-style wavy locks courtesy of the ultra cool Antonio B in Ibiza’s old town if you must know) than I was whisked off to San Rafael for the amazing invitation only dinner at El Ayoun - and boy was I glad I’d made that early appointment, because I would not have missed a minute of this event, even if you had paid me!

I must admit that even I had to gasp as I walked through the infamous entrance, as the legendary bronze camel on the red carpet had been replaced by THE REAL THING (yes folks, I mean real live camel), flown into Ibiza specially for the occasion (and yes I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming!). It seems all the stops were pulled out for this auspicious occasion.

The theme for guests was to wear black and white, so the restaurant, bar and dance floor were a veritable stylish chess board of monochrome - Miss W would like to note that most of the (über-tanned) female guests had opted for an LWD (yes, that’s little white dress as opposed to little black dress) and the guys were feeling very comfortable with their choice of open necked white shirts.

But down to business… Each time one of exceptional wait staff lingered by my seat with a tray of delectable entrees, I had to hold myself back from helping myself to more than one - no this is not a Miss W weird diet tip, it’s simply a manners thing. This is how good the new El Ayoun sushi lounge really is - proof is in the pudding as they say… or sashimi as the case may be.

But it wasn’t just the entrees that tickled my tastebuds - Moroccan flavoured lamb chops, chicken cous cous and sensational desserts were an also an absolute hit. After a very cold spell in spring, El Ayoun finally threw open the doors to their divine terrace - alfresco is back baby!

THE GOOD: Angel Cielo - can the ever-faithful El Ayoun resident DJ put a foot wrong? We think not.
THE BAD: A huge birthday cake was wheeled out into the club however it seemed revellers were slightly too self-involved to sing the obligatory ‘cumpleanos feliz’ to El Ayoun’s Charles and crew. Hmmmm….
THE GOSSIP: For VVVIPs (and yes, this includes Miss Miss W) a special wristband meant drinks were free flowing and a plenty all night… and special privileges like these aren’t to be abused - you know who you are!