Sunday, June 1, 2008


It’s the party that ‘officially’ kicks off the summer season and the one that Miss W has been eagerly counting down the days to!

Thankfully for the 18 000 plus clubbers who flocked to Playa Den Bossa for the long-awaited Space Opening Fiesta, Ibiza turned on her famous sunshine and blue skies. The car park - which was turned into a huge festival style arena for the occasion - was awash with glorious warm rays of sunlight while dancers in futuristic air hostess costumes entertained the masses by performing inside a giant clear ball, to the soundtrack of Fatboy Slim and as the sun began to set, Steve Lawler.

While the addition of the outdoor area is a novelty, I have to admit I just absolutely adore the inside of the club, so I was eager to get back in there and out onto the dance floor - it’s been almost eight months since Space and I were last together you know! Plus, I have learned from previous year’s experience that when the car park arena closes and you have around 10 000 or so eager clubbers all trying to get inside it’s a squishy situation (that really doesn’t go with my footwear) that can easily be avoided by heading inside before that happens!

Inside the club was every bit as amazing as I’d remembered - better in fact! The biggest problem was trying to decide which room to spend most of my time in - with the world’s best DJs holding court in every room, it was an extremely difficult choice.

Thankfully Miss W has very special access privileges at Space, which meant I could use the secret ‘staff only’ back passageways to manoeuvre my way through the labyrinth of a club and check out the action in every room before settling in behind the DJ booth in the Discotek for Sasha - where every experience I have ever had in a club in my life was eclipsed. From a laser show so amazing you felt like you could feel one of the thousands of streams of light filling the club to acrobats and stilt performers dressed as giant butterflies dropping from the roof to an amazed audience, this was a visual display like none other.

Of course, an opening party wouldn’t be complete without the obligatory start of season catch-up conversations and Space was no exception. Miss W spotted the ever-so-lovely manager of Space, Juan Arenas cruising around the club with none other than Danny Tenaglia while Erick Morillo was schmoozing David and Cathy Guetta, not to mention the many familiar island faces crowding the most of the free flowing drinks supplies and the air conditioning surrounding the DJ booth. The club’s name seemed to be quite ironic really, given there certainly wasn’t any space on the night!

THE GOOD: What an amazing party! Space once again proved why they are leading the way for the world’s clubbing elite. If only it was open all year round…
THE BAD: The sheer volume of people - while the numbers were certainly good for Space, it made queuing up for the bathroom a nightmare!
THE GOSSIP: The large area to the right of the DJ booth in the terraza was roped off to accommodate a very small group of about six people, who paid a premium sum to secure the space as the original VIP area was completely booked out. Miss W thinks it’s tacky to talk about money but she did hear a figure whispered that wouldn’t get you much change from 100K - wow!