Saturday, May 31, 2008


It seems the entire island has decided to throw open its doors to the public tonight, which meant Miss W needed to keep a constant eye on the time so she didn’t miss the action at any of the parties.

When a club is officially named ‘The World’s Biggest Club’ by none other than the Guinness Book Of Records and boasts a capacity of 10 000 people, it can seem like quite a daunting task to attend. Especially in the torrential rain Ibiza seems to be quite fond of turning on these days.

But Miss W and one of her trusty White-ette companions are troupers if nothing else, and wouldn’t let a little water get in the way of having a good time, so it was off to San Rafael to meet up with 9 998 of our closest friends!

One thing is for sure at Privilege - it is just so big that it seems virtually impossible that you’ll bump into your friends on the heaving dance floor or just hanging by the pool - yes, the pool beneath the DJ booth! But Miss W, being the experienced Ibiza club type she is, knows that the REAL action takes place in the Coco Loco room so hotfooted it there, where I instantly spotted at least four of the major club promoters towards the back of the room - when you’re at an event of this magnitude, it makes sense to stick together!

Miss W didn’t get a chance to check out the VIP area as she had a hot date at another club opening on the other side of town, but it’s safe to presume that with opening week for each individual promoter just a mere week away - I’ll be back!

THE GOOD: The amazing visual displays and performances in the cavernous main room - good to see all of that space being put to good use!!!
THE BAD: Invited guests being forced to stand in a queue in the pouring rain, despite the fact shelter was a mere two metres away and not being used. Shame on you, security…
THE GOSSIP: Having lost Manumission in 2007, all eyes are looking to Privilege to see how they’ll bounce back this year. Miss W overheard a reliable source saying Madrid promoters Supermartxe - who now host Friday nights - have secured Jamiroquai as a special guest amongst others and just might be looking to fill that gap…