Friday, May 9, 2008

09/05/08: Back to basics: BASE BAR OPENING PARTY

They say the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plains. Well, Miss W would like ‘them’ to stand corrected tonight - the rain was well and truly falling on Ibiza!

Tonight was the opening of the infamous Base Bar in the port of Ibiza, a bar that is primarily made up of a huge outdoor terrace, a terrace that Miss W has spent many an hour on whilst sipping vodka cranberries in the humid summer breeze, people watching (and passing fashion judgement on) the hordes of visitors to our fair isle. But on this very evening however, it was not to be the case as the heavens well and truly opened - though those who live in the campo will tell you it was needed due to our current state of drought, Miss W will tell you that it would have been more welcome the following morning when she was nursing her resaca - that’s hangover in Spanish (see, I have been learning!)

Because although it may have been monsoonal on the terrace, it certainly didn’t mean the Base Bar opening was a washout. What it meant was, getting cosy with those brave enough - and loyal enough - to venture out form their homes and squeeze themselves inside the tiny corridor like bar that is Base. Just one big happy Ibiza-style family really! Thanks to Jason and manager Tony’s generosity there were plenty of chupitos passed around throughout the course of the night (which may have been the cause of my resaca) and as always the staff were such good eye candy there was really no reason to leave in any hurry! Who’d want to risk getting any more wet after all!

The fact that everyone was indoors meant they got a good taste of resident DJ Ben Santiago’s signature eclectic house sets, merged with classic funk, rock and soul - talk in the bar is that Ben’s going to be a very busy boy this summer indeed, with main room sets lined up at some of the island’s biggest clubs, along with his Es Vive and Fierce Angel residencies. Of course, Miss W will be on hand to report further - in fact, the opening party for Es Vive (Jason’s über-successful hotel) is just around the corner...

The good: Owner Jason Bull, who’d never let a bit of bad weather (torrentially) rain on his parade - we’re glad his enthusiasm was contagious.
The bad: Obviously the rain - it’s not like Ibiza’s bathrooms are equipped with hairdryers in case of a White-ette hair emergency!
The gossip: There were some catty whispers about the number of no-shows tonight, but give them a break - not everyone owns an umbrella in Ibiza you know!