Saturday, May 31, 2008


Miss W is going to make a confession. I’m not really into bands. While I can appreciate a good one and I’m a big fan of rock chick fashion (and the odd geeky band boy here and there), going to see live bands just isn’t my thing. I live in Ibiza - the centre of the clubbing universe - so it’s only natural that I lean towards the dance side of the music world.

But with all the hype and fuss surrounding Ibiza Rocks over the past few years and the huge hype on the island regarding the opening of the new Ibiza Rocks Hotel, I thought it was only fair that I put my pre-conceived ideas about the whole band thing aside and check it out!

Walking up to the enormous façade of the hotel, I felt like I was heading into Wembley Stadium, with the black and white lettering declaring that I had indeed reached my destination. Once through the front, for those still in doubt, the name flashing up in lights along with the ultra-branded signage everywhere and the throbbing sounds of the band within confirmed we had arrived!

I must admit - I was impressed. Ibiza Rocks Hotel is like a GIANT stadium/theatre/cinema - a gimmick that will no doubt go down well with the target market. Not one to be snobbish about such things, Miss W grabbed a beer (in a plastic cup of course) and headed outside to check out the band. Who by the way, I had never heard of, but quite enjoyed! Maybe it was the beer buzz, maybe I got caught up in the moment - either way, not bad for a night in the depths of San Antonio!

On my way out I whizzed past the world’s most famous rock-kid, Jade Jagger and gave a nod to Pete Tong and his glam ex-model wife Carolina and as I did, I had the realisation that bands aren’t just for kids after all.

Hey, if it’s good enough for Jade…

THE GOOD: The clever marketing and branding of the entire complex - there’s no doubt this will be one of the San An success stories in 2008.
THE BAD: Having to purchase drinks tickets and then join the very long queue at the bar for a beer in a plastic cup! Miss W is used to icy mojitos and table service you know.
THE GOSSIP: Super cool Ibiza tattoo parlour Inkadelic have opened a franchise inside the Ibiza Rocks merchandise store - but we can’t help but wonder how ‘arty’ the types of tattoos requested here will be. Pacha cherries and guitar pick logos anyone?