Thursday, May 1, 2008

01/05/08: Welcome back dahl-ings! CARDAMOM CLUB SUMMER OPENING

Though it’s been open during the majority of the off-season, The Cardamom Club know the importance of declaring yourself officially open for the summer in Ibiza, so an opening party they threw!

Oh, and what an amazing day! Miss W - in case you haven’t noticed - has been moaning about the weather quite a lot of late, as it really does seem that summer is coming later this year, which does NOT do wonders for my lack-of-tan. But it seems Navine and Craig have a pact with someone up there (there are so many Indian deities I don’t know where to start!), because the sun was shining gloriously through the citrus trees, meaning guests could enjoy their lunch out in the garden and even feel the tops of their shoulders tingling after a bit too long beneath the rays.

Or was that just Miss W?

The relaxed vibe was exactly what I needed - no need to book, a super casual open house affair, which included a local artisan’s market with lots of lovely stalls to browse through. Miss W went home with a floaty new summer frock, some organic skincare, a handcrafted necklace and a funny (and kinda kitsch) little incense burner in the shape of a house with a chimney! There was plenty to gawk at, and there was even a special market menu for only 7€.

Of course, washing down the divine Indian taste sensations with a chilled vino blanco was essential and when all the action seemed to have died down, there was nothing left to do but return home for an afternoon siesta. Oh, I just love the Ibiza lifestyle, don’t you?

The good: While all the food was sensational, Miss W loved the starters so much she could have eaten three servings all to herself.
The bad: The slight sunburnt tinge to Miss W’s nose after the event - maybe a dose of organic sun cream should have been on the menu!
The gossip: Miss W thought she spied her Potential Boyfriend sitting at one of the tables, and then when she went over to say hola, he seemed to have mysteriously disappeared.