Thursday, May 1, 2008

01/04/08: Spectacular, spectacular!: HOVI 08 CAN VENTOSA

Miss W has a bit of a confession to make - quite a bit of tonight’s performance was lost in translation for me. Though I was seated with a White-ette whose Spanish is flawless (and please let me take this opportunity to mention the fact that I AM taking lessons), I thought it would be a bit rude to whisper over the top of the performance in order to find out what was going on. Kind of like those annoying people in cinemas who turn around and ask, ‘What did they just say?’

So, for quite possibly the first time in her life, Miss W remained silent.

To be perfectly honest, while I may have missed a lot of the point, with so much else going on, I still didn’t miss the fact that there were two v-e-r-y cute boys in the centre of the stage making it all happen - oh wait, that’s right, I’m supposed to be talking about culture here!

Back to my original point then. With so much going on, I felt like it was ok to tune out of the script and into the action - with live actors on stage complementing the images splashed across five screens and the soundtrack that fell somewhere between a Sofia Coppola film and a Chemical Brothers live show, I was actually kind of sad when it was over, knowing that unlike a film, I couldn’t just pop back and see it tomorrow, or hire it on DVD on a rainy day.

But that’s art for you isn’t?

The good: Seeing Ibiza’s creative types out and about and supporting local talent - it’s nice to see there is life outside of club promoting for some!
The bad: The language barrier - my bad, I know! Ibiza may often seem very international, but we are in Spain after all. Back to the book and tapes then…
The gossip: The White-ettes wondered why the FR4M3 boys didn’t phone ahead and coordinate their outfits before the show - the matching trilby hats were just a little too boy band for our liking. Or perhaps that was the point?