Friday, May 23, 2008

23/05/08: Downtime for the first time!

Wow. What a month - May has literally flown by for Miss W, the White-ettes and our Token White Male, but thankfully for us, the Chief White-ette decided it was time to ensure we all took a breather (and got some sun on our faces) so booked us a lovely long table in the sun at Yemanja to enjoy a l-o-n-g lunch on the sand.

Thanks Chief.

Starting with delicious jugs of Yemanja’s trademark Sangria De Cava, the good times rolled on from there. Think paella, ensalada de gambas (Miss W’s Spanish word tip of the day - gambas equals prawns!) and chilled rosé… and a very satisfied Team White indeed.

Of course, seeing as we were in the neighbourhood, we thought it would be rude not to pop to Blue Marlin, so once we’d managed to pry ourselves from our seats, we practically rolled ourselves next door and took up residence on one of the divine white (of course!) day beds. Topics of conversation included Miss W’s Potential Boyfriend (is she in love or isn’t she?), whether it would be appropriate for the newest White-ette to dance on the daybed like a podium (consensus was no) and how to ensure your arms get the perfect tan by swapping seats with the person opposite you every half an hour. You learn something new every day on this island, I tell you…

On the rest of the island, the major thing I’ve noticed is the arrival of summer. Not just all the seasonal workers returning to their jobs, the scent of fresh paint emanating from shops and cafes and groups of tourists eagerly posing for photos, but sadly also the return of peak hour traffic - because businesses close for the siesta hours of two til five pm, this means Ibiza actually experiences four sets of peak hour traffic a day. Miss W thinks this is a sign it’s time to invest in a convertible car, simply to make the most of her time spent in said traffic by working on her tan, and getting ‘naturally’ sun-kissed highlights of course!

For once, the weekend actually looks relatively quiet on the social scene - must be the calm before the storm as next week all of Ibiza’s famous clubs finally throw open their doors for four months of parties, mayhem, madness and above all, fun. Which makes me think I’ll spend this weekend chilling out at home and save myself for next week’s action.

Then again, have you ever known Miss W to stay in?