Wednesday, September 17, 2008

17/09/08: Kumhara’s Wax Da Beach with Radio Sonica

It was a sad day when alternative sunset hangout Kumhara’s in San Antonio Bay closed its doors (well, more like it’s wooden shutters but you get my drift) for a forced two-month closure after battling with the authorities for the past year and Miss W shed a tear or two, having watched many a beautiful sunset there in her time.

Which meant it was an even happier occasion when the venue reopened for business just over a week ago – and what better way to celebrate than with a live broadcast on Radio Sonica featuring Nightmares on Wax and the Wax On crew, for the aptly named three-hour Wax Da Beach show.

Miss W is a devoted listener of DJ E.A.S.E’s (aka George Evelyn, the man behind the mighty Nightmares On Wax project) weekly radio show Wax Da Box on Ibiza Sonica (from 6pm every Thursday for those who’d like to tune in and hear it themselves) so it didn’t take much to entice her into Kumhara’s when she heard the news – throw in a couple of glasses of chilled rosé, one (or two) of the infamous Nutella crepes and some chilled-out tunes courtesy of the Wax On crew and we were in business.

For one of the first nights this season it was chilly enough to actually wear jeans and a light scarf but thankfully the weather didn’t deter a healthy crowd from forming around the area where George was doing his thing – assisted by just a few of his talented friends including Negghead, Guts and some extra special help on the mike provided by his gorgeous daughter Mali (who struggled to see over the decks it must be said, but managed to pull off the sweetest guest vocals ever heard in Ibiza.

Think trip-hop tastic, laidback melodies and smooth grooves in a hippy-esque environment, with Ibiza Sonica on hand to broadcast the entire event to everyone who couldn’t make it to the actual event and you’ve got the recipe for the perfect sunset experience. Though Miss W must admit she stayed long after the sun went down, along with the Sonica and Wax On crews and a handful of their closest friends.

Nightmares? More of a dream-like state if you ask Miss W!

THE GOOD: With the three-hour Wax Da Beach spectacular being broadcast live on Ibiza Sonica (and coming to you live from White Ibiza’s home page), it meant that no matter where in the world you’re based, you didn’t have to miss out on the action completely. Miss W would like to request a re-run of the show please… or a download so she can relive the moment.
THE BAD: The slightly overcast weather made the sunset moment just a little bit non descript (though thankfully the good tunes coming from DJ E.A.S>E made up for it). I guess you can’t control every single aspect of planning an event – at least it wasn’t rained out!
THE GOSSIP: Miss W hears whispers of a Wax Da Beach sequel taking place at on Friday October 3rd so keep your eyes peeled, your dial tuned to 95.2fm or stream it live from the web as it’s guaranteed to be a great wind down as the summer season comes to a close (sob sob!).