Thursday, September 18, 2008

18/09/08: We Love Boat Party with Ibiza Med Yachting

There’s nothing better than a day on a sailboat heading across to Formentera – that is, until you spend a day on a sailboat heading across to Formentera with the who’s who of Ibiza DJs, on board to help toast the end of the season for We Love… Sundays as part of their ten-year anniversary celebrations – which is exactly how Miss W spent the better part of this fine Thursday in Ibiza.

Setting sail from Ibiza port on the vessel La Princesa Del Mar – a 25-metre yacht managed by Ibiza Med Yachting – or the Good Ship We Love as it could have been renamed today, the guest list to this soiree was kept extremely tight at a mere 35 people and thankfully Miss W was one of those lucky enough to receive an invitation.

With gorgeous glossy brown wooden decking, comfortable and stylish navy blue mattresses aboard the top deck perfect for lazing around and sunbathing, a fully-stocked bar, gourmet buffet lunch and even a makeshift dance floor (one would expect no less from those experienced in throwing one of the world’s biggest and best parties every week), the party seemed to get started before the ship had even left the port.

After a few difficulties with the sound system, requiring a generator to be sent out to meet the boat via Zodiac – it was time for the We Love… residents to step up to the plate (or decks as the case may be) and battle the rocking of the boat in the fight to stay upright behind the makeshift DJ booth and treat guests to exclusive chill-out sets. All Miss W can say is thank goodness the DJs weren’t using vinyl as the Mediterranean was certainly putting on an impressively rocking display of her own talents!

Beginning with a funk based set courtesy of Mr Doris, followed by an impressive array of bootlegs by Jon Sa Trinxa (even Madonna was heard at one point!) and a deep house selection from Jon Howell, it was left to long-time We Lover David Phillips to finish off with an eclectic party mix that impressed the tough audience on board – must be difficult when you’re playing to a room that’s 70 per cent DJs, 15 per cent promoters, 15 per cent music lovers and 5 per cent Miss W.

As for the rest of the day? Entertaining antics (as always) from the Café Mambo crew – Alex Wolfenden, Jason Bye and Andy Baxter – plenty of sunshine meant lots of time spent diving off the boat to swim and snorkel, delicious food, great service and a good time was had by all.

The verdict? We love… We Love…!

THE GOOD: Mooring just off Es Palmador and being treated to exclusive one hour chill-out sets from the residents of We Love… Not a bad life, eh?
THE BAD: A serious bout of seasickness caused by very rough waters saw one We Lover jump ship (not literally of course) and return to dry land before the boat had even passed Las Salinas beach while several others were seen clutching their tummies or even the side of the boat to try and hold on to their lunches!
THE GOSSIP: A few notable absences from well-known island DJs who had RSVP’d yes to the event had tongues wagging as to whether the previous night’s festivities had caused them to oversleep – Miss W suspects the early curtain call of 11am must have been painful more than one of the night creatures on board!