Sunday, January 25, 2009

24/01/09: Rock Nights @ Somni

When news of a Comic Book Heroes party in Ibiza broke tonight, Miss W was the first on the scene – disguised as a mild mannered reporter for a major metropolitan well, website – to bring you the scoop, in the name of truth, justice and the Ibiza way!

Rock Nights was the party and Ibiza’s all-new whiz-bang club Somni was the place to be and judging by the amount of super heroes milling around the Figueretes promenade, this was going to be a fancy-dress event to rival Bambuddha Grove’s Halloween extravaganza (and this time, Miss W arrived early enough to actually gain entrance).

A couple of super-sexy Wonder Women, some masked Avengers, a green-haired Joker, the obligatory Batman and (even better!) his sidekick Robin, a Zorro here and a Lara Croft there – and that was before we’d even stepped through the doorway!

Once inside Miss W was absolutely blown away, not only by the many plastic-gun toting villains in attendance, but also by the incredible décor adorning every inch the club. Somni had been morphed into a geek’s wildest dream - amazing oversized comic strips plastered the walls, a life-sized Batman silhouette dominated the DJ booth, iconic characters covered every wall, pillar and post and of course, cartoon graphics were on constant loop on the plasma television screens.

I tell you, if I hadn’t have known about the party, I would have been petrified I’d stumbled into a comic book convention by accident!

The dance floor was as full as a hot summer’s night, with a temperature to match – and let me just say, when there is that much spandex in one room, air conditioning is essential! At one point it resembled a rock concert, complete with moshing, jumping and singalongs to all your old favourites - think Depeche Mode and The Clash and you’ll get the animated picture.

For Miss W though, it was all about the amazing costumes – and discovering who was beneath the masks. A real live Mrs Emma Peel, Kill Bill’s Bride in all her yellow Lycra glory, Clark Kent with just a hint of the ‘S’ popping out of his shirt, an Incredible Hulk and enough slinky Catwomen to get the male population purring…

Don’t ask me who they were though - I can never reveal my sources…

THE GOOD: Soooo much effort went into making this a truly unforgettable event –the costumes sported by guests and the spectacular themed décor - and it’s clear to see why this party is fast becoming the most anticipated monthly night this winter.
THE BAD: The biggest villains on the night had to be the bar staff – or lack therof. With a full-to-the-rafters club, just reaching the bar seemed like a challenge, however once you arrived, the challenge to actually get served had only just begun.
THE GOSSIP: Whispers on the day of the party centred around DJ Colin Peters, flying in from London for the occasion. Was his flight really delayed due to hurricane warnings in Palma? Were all ferry services suspended? Was this just another hoax? Was Super-Colin going to appear behind the decks to save the day? Sadly… the rumour mill proved to be true and Colin was nowhere to be seen. Guess Superman was too busy on the dance floor to come to his rescue!

Friday, January 16, 2009

16/01/09: Fish & Chip Friday @ Ocho

Miss W loves a good tradition, however given the oft-unpredictable fast-paced-meets-laidback nature of Ibiza life, it can seem a little hard to come by – or to stick to. But now we’re in the thick of winter (in all its sunny glory) the opportunity to start a new tradition has presented itself and Miss W plans to be the first to embrace it.

The event in question? A time-honoured tradition all over the world and one the island residents are already quite adept at – that is, the long, lazy (and dare we say occasionally boozy) Friday afternoon lunch.

Today, the colourful and cosy surrounds of Ocho beckon, kick starting the weekend with a very special menu item that has stomachs growling and mouths watering at sunrise. Ladies and gentleman, welcome to… Fish and chip Friday!

From the minute I walked through the door – escorted by the ever so charming (and equally good looking!) Pacha posse – it felt like turning up to lunch at a friend’s villa. After a warm welcome from the gorgeous lady of the manor (or finca!) Leah Tilbury and Ocho’s adorable waiter Marco (who pulls off quirky-chic to perfection), we circled the three intimate rooms like a social soiree, saying hola to practically everyone we’d ever met. Looks like good news travels fast…

Now let’s get down to the matter of the food. Melt-in-your-mouth creamy battered fish, fresh buttery peas and quite possibly THE perfect potato chips accompanied by a creamy dill-rich tartare sauce courtesy of chefs de jour Miguel and Damien were being whizzed out to every table at a rapid rate - though Leah assures us this is due to demand and regular menu items are still on offer, should you feel the need to variate from the special. Though with fish and chips this good, I can’t imagine why anyone would?

After lunch it seemed a grown-up game of musical chairs was in session, as we proceeded to take places at other tables, chat over a glass of vino, occasionally switching tables or widening our circles to include newcomers – oh, and if you worried this all sounds a tad too local-centric, let me assure you, everyone is welcome and Miss W doesn’t bite! Particularly if you’re tall, dark, handsome and errr, single…

THE GOOD: Friday. Fish. Chips. Need I say more? Oh wait – peas. See you next Friday!
THE BAD: The much hyped apple crumble was so popular it ran out before Miss W could give her verdict! Though my waistline would probably argue that skipping dessert is a good thing…
THE GOSSIP: The lovely Leah is heading off to London this weekend but it doesn’t mean we won’t still get the same warm reception next week – Miss W hears whispers that Leah’s vibrant mum (and well-known island personality) Patsy will be taking over the front-of-house reigns while she’s away…

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

07/01/09: Miss W’s 2009 New Year’s Resolutions

In the spirit of starting the New Year on the right foot – though if you ask me when you are wearing the gorgeous new IBZcode boots I got for Christmas BOTH left and right feet are the right ones, if you know what I mean – Miss W has decided to publicly declare her New Year’s Resolutions. I figure, if I put them out there, I feel more of a responsibility to make them happen…

1. Detox. I do believe winter is the perfect time to detox, to purify, to get in shape and to really focus on your own personal holistic wellbeing. Does it sound like Miss W has come over all Gwyneth Paltrow-esque? You may laugh at my celebrity inspiration, but I’ll have you know that just because I don’t meditate on a daily basis doesn’t mean I’m not down with the teachings of the Dalai Lama! In 2009 I plan on practicing daily (well…. perhaps every second day!) yoga at the Ibiza Gran Open Spa, decked out in Stella McCartney’s über-luxe Adidas range of course, and indulging in a little Ayurvedic massage and a Panchakarma retreat (inspired by White’s very zen-like Wellbeing editor Larah Davis of Ibiza Retreats) and finally, changing my diet to include only organic produce. Breakfast, lunch or dinner at Parawdiso anyone?

2. Broaden my horizons. It has come to my attention lately that over the past few months Miss W has garnered a bit of a reputation for being a party girl, a term she finds slightly offensive. Social butterfly yes, party girl no. While I am not arguing that I do indeed spend a lot of time at fabulous events, I would like it known from hereon in that I have a brain AND a heart to go with my fantastic wardrobe. It’s easy to live life as though you are in a bubble in Ibiza, which is why I have made it my mission, Angelina-style, to volunteer for charity work (and yes, walking homeless dogs counts) and brush up on my knowledge of current world affairs whilst also mastering the Spanish language. Should make me a fascinating and highly sought-after guest next time the likes of Deliciously Sorted or The Shop are sending out invites to their ultra-excusive VIP events. Just don’t expect me to adopt any niños a lá
Ange – now that is a look that totally does not go with any of my outfits!

3. Take a holiday. You may or may not have noticed that Miss W has been on duty, reporting round-the-clock for the last 11 months or so – not an easy feat when everyone around you is on holiday! But then… I don’t want to abandon my post you see, plus wherever in the world would I go to? As the New Year dawned it finally occurred to me – very Dorothy in The Wizard Of Oz style – that I needn’t look any further than my own backyard. Here in Ibiza we have absolutely anything and everything I would possibly want from a ‘mini-break’ – great shopping, amazing beaches, beautiful countryside, sensational restaurants and of course, amazing nightlife. So it is my solemn vow and promise, to start taking weekends away, ON the island, in 2009 – and checking out all the fabulous home-away-from-home style luxury getaways the island has on offer. Starting with Can Lluc, when the almond blossoms begin to bloom in the next few weeks and closely followed by a decadent spa weekend at the new five-star Aguas de Ibiza. I can hardly wait. I just need to find someone to share it all with, which leads me to…

4. Fall in love. There, I’ve said it. I’ve had enough of Potential Boyfriends, I’m tired of falling for – and having my heart broken by - Super Rats time and at long last I’m not even remotely interested in being a DJ groupie (with the exception of Luciano that is!). Miss W has decided she has spent enough time playing the field – realistically, it’s been the dance floor but you get my point – and thinks it’s high time she acquired an accessory of the more permanent variety, to display proudly on her arm at this summer’s soirees. And no, I’m not talking about the latest Miu Miu masterpiece from Mayurka (even though I do quite fancy that as well!) I am talking about taking the plunge and actually entering into the world of ‘serious relationships’. Though if that idea doesn’t work out for me I’ve always got my cats and my island to fall back on. Serious applicants, please apply asap in writing…

5. Find the perfect pad. Miss W already lives in a pretty cool place up in the ancient walls of Dalt Vila, however my contract ends October, which means I have the next nine months to get to know the property market inside out, discover locations that will truly suit me and my lifestyle and most importantly, find somewhere with a big enough closet to house my ever-expanding wardrobe. In my mind, I can already picture myself spending many a lazy Saturday afternoon shopping for interiors at KsaR, Sluiz and La Maison de L’Elephant – think zillions of candles, Moroccan lamops, exotic décor, a little bit of sparkle and eclectic furnishings. It’s Chateau Marmont meets Pikes Hotel with a little splash of the Gaansevoort for good measure. Can’t you just see me, lazing by my pool (in a Missoni bikini of course) beneath a huge white umbrella sipping mojitos? Now there’s just the little matter of stopping being frivolous and starting to save my euros that I need to consider… Should be a snap!

Ohhhh, choosing my top five resolutions for two thousand and wine, dine and mine was so difficult – it’s like asking a mother to pick a favourite child! So I can’t help but quickly whiz the runners up by you – in no particular order:

* Wear a completely different outfit each and every single day this summer.
* Radiate peace, love and happiness at all times.
* Always have fun and live like there’s no tomorrow.
* If I can’t say anything nice, I wont say anything at all…
* Become best friends with Kate Moss. Oh come on - girl’s gotta have at least one friend willing to lead her astray…

Friday, January 2, 2009

01/01/09: The Crunch presented by Shantico

Umm-ing and ahhi-ng over whether or not to go to bed between parties is a traditional part of the New Year’s Day ritual in Ibiza. If you go to sleep, even just a cheeky disco nap for a few hours, will you lose your enthusiasm or miss out on some action? Or if you stay awake, will you fade too quickly at the after party and need to go home early? It’s an age-old conundrum and while I won’t disclose which decision Miss W made (a girl likes to have an air of mystery about her you know – and I ALWAYS love a costume change between events, sleep or no sleep, so you’ll never be able to tell!), I can say that at today’s special event there were a good portion of guests who looked incredibly fresh faced and others sipping on hair of the dog with a grimace…

The event in question? The debut of ‘The Crunch’, a party presented by all-round Ibiza legend and host-with-the-most Sid Shanti. Just when we thought parties beginning before dusk were a thing of the past (read: the good old days), came the announcement that this party – with the location remaining a secret until the day – would kick off at 1pm, bringing us together early to ensure the New Year spirit continued to sparkle for another day at least.

Guests were given directions to a parking lot off the beaten track and then transferred safely over to the venue – Sa Tasca, a traditional Spanish restaurant with huge garden areas, stunning views across the hills and out to sea, set on the road to San Jose. The sight of kids – and plenty of dogs - playing outdoors greeted us on arrival plus an assortment of early bird revelers making the most of the chance to hang outdoors in the fresh Ibiza air – very bohemian indeed.

The who’s who of local DJs were indoors providing the soundtrack, including We Love’s David Phillips, Wonderland’s Tomas Hedberg, Pacha’s Graham Sahara and a very special set from Ibiza Sonica’s Andy Wilson which had the entire dance floor full to capacity quite early on and the room steaming up with body heat – and when half the room is nursing a hangover, that is one feat to be proud of.

Overall, the event had that hedonistic feel of days gone by – the free-spirited vibe of an illegal rave, an impressive roll call of name-droppable guests (from the old school acid house crew to the high end social set and everyone of all ages in between) letting their hair down, a mix of musical styles - underground in one room and eclectic Balearic beats in the other and the overall feeling that you were part of something new, 100 per cent fun and completely true to the original spirit of Ibiza.

In some ways, I guess you had to be there – I’m so glad I was!

THE GOOD: Attending 2009’s first daytime party of course! In the absence of the annual Circo Loco NYD bash, many islanders were left wondering whether they were indeed be having a well deserved sleep in for the first time in their lives come January 1st. Three cheers to Shantico for creating an all-new party to fill the gap in the market… and an extra cheer for making it a free event to all.
THE BAD: While a good party is not always judged by its appearance, Miss W has to admit that grubby plastic chairs, tables and even plastic flowers are not really the most aesthetically appealing décor…
THE GOSSIP: The cryptic nature of the propaganda for this party implied a brand spanking new venue in close proximity to town, however it turned out that a new equaled an old Ibicenco restaurant which was fresh to the party scene and the location of KM4 was actually if you were driving from San Antonio – from Ibiza town, it was in fact KM17.5 on the San Jose Road. A classic case of putting-us-off-the-scent until the last minute…

Thursday, January 1, 2009

31/12/08: The 12 grapes of midnight…

Well here we are at the dawn of a new year, the time when we should be sitting back and reflecting on the previous 12 months, planning, hoping and dreaming (or perhaps plotting and scheming!) about what’s to come and maybe even daydreaming about who it is we’ll be smooching at midnight – all the while reclining in a big comfy pedicure chair of course!

But rather than relaxing over a bit of buff and polish, Miss W found herself racing back and forth across Ibiza town trying to grab one essential last minute accessory for New Year’s Eve– a kilo of grapes.

No, this is not some new way to get shinier locks or a trick for sparkling skin and no, Miss W has not come over all DIY with plans to make her own homemade vino. This is in fact, one of the most important Spanish traditions of the evening, one it is essential to partake in – and that is the tradition of eating 12 grapes upon the 12 strokes of midnight.

You see tonight, Miss W has decided to try something she’s never done before – throwing her very own last minute soiree. An ultra-exclusive dinner party no less, for the White-ettes, a token White male and one very special Little Miss Mini White. I know, I know – there are so many fabulous restaurants to choose from in Ibiza, it’s New Year’s Eve and then I decide to go all Martha Stewart! Who’d have thought?

What can I say? Miss W has always been a little on the spontaneous side…

As we prepared to watch the fireworks over the port, each of us with 12 grapes ready in a glass, the cries of ‘Feliz Año Nuevo!’ began echoing over balconies and the church bells began to chime. Gulp (quite literally) – that means it’s time…

Have you ever tried eating 12 grapes in 60 seconds? On the seventh chime it became perfectly clear that none of us would be able to complete the task… Just between us, I didn't want to risk dripping grape juice on my new Kurru Kurru frock before leaving the house!

Then it was off to Pacha – who had thrown a very extravagant dinner in the restaurant prior to opening at 1am – where the main dance floor was heaving however it was upstairs in the Funky Room that reigned supreme. House classics, a dash of disco and a bunch of very fashionably dressed locals schmoozing and grooving their way through the first few hours of 2009.

Start the year as you plan to continue it, I say…

THE GOOD: Seeing the party capital of the world kick back into action for a few days in the middle of the ‘off-season’ proves that it’s as much of a world class New Year’s Eve destination as any of the major cities around the globe.
THE BAD: Unlike the rest of the world, very few bars or clubs (in fact, no clubs at all!) are open for the stroke-of-midnight moment in Ibiza, meaning you need to be ultra prepared in advance to reserve yourself a table somewhere. Sadly, this doesn’t leave much room for spontaneity… OR the opportunity to kiss a random stranger at midnight!
THE GOSSIP: The throngs of eager clubbers lined up outside Pacha were equivalent to an FMIF party (albeit dressed in coats and scarves) at the peak of summer and even included a few, ‘But don’t you know who I am?’ moments on the guest list entrance. Looks like some things never change…