Sunday, January 25, 2009

24/01/09: Rock Nights @ Somni

When news of a Comic Book Heroes party in Ibiza broke tonight, Miss W was the first on the scene – disguised as a mild mannered reporter for a major metropolitan well, website – to bring you the scoop, in the name of truth, justice and the Ibiza way!

Rock Nights was the party and Ibiza’s all-new whiz-bang club Somni was the place to be and judging by the amount of super heroes milling around the Figueretes promenade, this was going to be a fancy-dress event to rival Bambuddha Grove’s Halloween extravaganza (and this time, Miss W arrived early enough to actually gain entrance).

A couple of super-sexy Wonder Women, some masked Avengers, a green-haired Joker, the obligatory Batman and (even better!) his sidekick Robin, a Zorro here and a Lara Croft there – and that was before we’d even stepped through the doorway!

Once inside Miss W was absolutely blown away, not only by the many plastic-gun toting villains in attendance, but also by the incredible décor adorning every inch the club. Somni had been morphed into a geek’s wildest dream - amazing oversized comic strips plastered the walls, a life-sized Batman silhouette dominated the DJ booth, iconic characters covered every wall, pillar and post and of course, cartoon graphics were on constant loop on the plasma television screens.

I tell you, if I hadn’t have known about the party, I would have been petrified I’d stumbled into a comic book convention by accident!

The dance floor was as full as a hot summer’s night, with a temperature to match – and let me just say, when there is that much spandex in one room, air conditioning is essential! At one point it resembled a rock concert, complete with moshing, jumping and singalongs to all your old favourites - think Depeche Mode and The Clash and you’ll get the animated picture.

For Miss W though, it was all about the amazing costumes – and discovering who was beneath the masks. A real live Mrs Emma Peel, Kill Bill’s Bride in all her yellow Lycra glory, Clark Kent with just a hint of the ‘S’ popping out of his shirt, an Incredible Hulk and enough slinky Catwomen to get the male population purring…

Don’t ask me who they were though - I can never reveal my sources…

THE GOOD: Soooo much effort went into making this a truly unforgettable event –the costumes sported by guests and the spectacular themed décor - and it’s clear to see why this party is fast becoming the most anticipated monthly night this winter.
THE BAD: The biggest villains on the night had to be the bar staff – or lack therof. With a full-to-the-rafters club, just reaching the bar seemed like a challenge, however once you arrived, the challenge to actually get served had only just begun.
THE GOSSIP: Whispers on the day of the party centred around DJ Colin Peters, flying in from London for the occasion. Was his flight really delayed due to hurricane warnings in Palma? Were all ferry services suspended? Was this just another hoax? Was Super-Colin going to appear behind the decks to save the day? Sadly… the rumour mill proved to be true and Colin was nowhere to be seen. Guess Superman was too busy on the dance floor to come to his rescue!