Saturday, February 28, 2009

Marco Torres Pop Life exhibition @ El Hotel: 27/02/09

Knowing that it was the last weekend of winter gave Miss W the urge to batten down the hatches, hire some DVDs and snuggle up on the couch with her cats while she still had a seasonal excuse, however Ibiza’s glorious weather combined with the Pop Life exhibition opening party tonight had me reaching for my nearest tie-dyed mini-dress and hotfooting it down to Pacha’s El Hotel.

Screen print artist Marco Torres – one of the crew responsible for the mega successful Rock Nights parties – was tonight adding a splash of vibrant colour to the otherwise all-white El Bar, in the form of an exhibition of Pop Art work, a series of 60s inspired imagery in the well-known style along with some retro visuals and a feast of musical sounds courtesy of Lost Angeles.

OK, so it wasn’t exactly The Factory and the installation wasn’t quite Andy Warhol, but with the pop art on the walls, the groovy soundtrack and the uber-cool arty types draped across couches for art’s sake, it was enough of a Sienna-Miller-as-Edie-Sedgewick fashion moment for me!

Vibrant colours and plenty of teensy little dots made up the bulls-eyes, bullets, Twiggy and Audrey Hepburn inspired heroines and foxy afro prints adorning the walls – some images seemed familiar while others (my favourite being a long-haired girl driving a car) were fresh to the eye and left me asking the question, where can I get myself one of these?

The music had a fun, nostalgic vibe and had plenty of punters bopping about (many of them from the comfort of the big comfy white couches, like choreographed dancers in a film clip) and was inspiring a few singalongs to the lyrics – or perhaps that had more to do with the free-flowing champagne doing the rounds?

I have to say, not being a card-carrying member of the artsy squad in Ibiza – I’m more of a drop-in member myself – I wasn’t aware that the general dress code was all black, meaning my colourful sixties attire really stood out from the generic monochrome uniforms of everyone else.

But Miss W has always loved being in the spotlight, so who’s complaining?


THE GOOD: Art openings are always good for spotting geek-chic potential boyfriends and tonight was no exception. Think thick square glasses, skinny jeans, stripey t-shirts and floppy hair and you’ll know the type I mean!

THE BAD: The quality of sound in El Hotel was a tad too echo-y and tinny for Miss W’s ears – I felt like I almost had to shriek just to hold a conversation with my friends.

THE GOSSIP: Miss W knows of a few well-known Ibiza social types who didn’t make it to the opening, despite rsvp-ing in the affirmative. Luckily for them, the exhibition continues until March 11th so perhaps they could purchase a piece of art to make up for missing the fabulous fiesta?