Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day in Ibiza: 14/02/09

I’d like to start by saying it is totally not my fault I am unlucky in love. It’s not my fault that I have what can only be explained as extremely high standards for the guys that I meet to live up to or that so far, no one has managed to meet them. And it’s definitely not my fault that I believe in love at first sight, a love that lifts us up where we belong and that all we need is love.

Like most single girls around the world, Miss W blames all of the above entirely on her mother – who in turn has every right to pass the blame over to Walt Disney, seeing as I was brought up on a resounding chorus of ‘Some day my prince will come’ along with the firm fairytale belief that every girl grows up to get her very own happily ever after.

I should be so lucky!

So anyway here we are again, another loveless Valentine’s Day in Ibiza, where the postman is not beating a path to my door nor are the native blooms in danger of becoming extinct due to my extreme popularity. Hmmmm…

Thankfully for Miss W and her un-betrothed co-horts, it seems there is plenty of love to go around on V.Day in Ibiza. It may not be a candlelit table for two, however party-hopping by the light of a disco ball is every bit as desirable, especially when you know everyone at these parties will be single! From Grial’s Does Ya Mama Know… It’s Bloody Valentine’s Day, complete with gruesome black cats and charred roses and Be My Baby at Girlz Skool to a pre-club soiree at Pacha’s El Hotel, the Ibiza lonely hearts club were anything but this weekend.

However (for Miss W anyway) there was a distinct lack of potential boyfriend material in attendance at any of these events – only serving to remind me even more of my New Year’s Resolution (why oh why do I declare these things in such a public forum?) and the fact I am no closer to achieving it than I was on New Year’s Day! Lucky I have my friends, my social life and my island (oh, and of course my cats!) to keep me busy in the meantime…

I mean honestly, I wouldn’t have been able to make time for a Valentine’s date in my busy schedule anyway! Though between you and me, at this late stage any lost-in-the-post cards, gifts and marriage proposals may still be accepted…


THE GOOD: Despite the fact that there were no love interests on the horizon, Miss W still got a surprise visit from the Valentine Fairy in the form of a tailor-made card… Awwwww, friends are just the best, aren’t they?

THE BAD: Is it bad to feel pangs of envy when your friends are being showered with Agent Provocateur, weekend spa escapes at Aguas De Ibiza and even romantic proposals in sunny Mexico? I guess this is one time Miss W will have to settle for living vicariously through others…

THE GOSSIP: Is that the pitter-patter of tiny feet we can hear? At least, that’s what we suspect may be on the horizon for one of the island’s newly engaged couples, judging by the swift proposal and hasty wedding preparations…