Friday, August 8, 2008

08/08/08: Leah Tilbury’s birthday party @ Ocho Brasserie

It may have been the Santa Maria festival everywhere else on the island tonight, but at our new favourite ibiza restaurant, Ocho, it was more like the festival of eight! The date itself, 08/08/08 is enough reason for a party but combined with owner Leah Tilbury’s birthday, this was more than just your regular fiesta.

The invitations said 10pm and when Miss W and the White-ettes arrived at a prompt 10.15pm (no wardrobe dilemmas tonight!), the spacious and colourfully lit car park was already almost filled to capacity, giving an indication of the festivities to come.

Upon entry, we were greeted with an icy cold glass of cava from our ever-so-gracious host John Broekman, who whispered to Miss W that he’d refrained from inviting anyone himself as between the birthday girl and her sister, celebrity make-up artists Charlotte Tilbury, there was a fair chance the entire population of the island could be descending on the new venue in one evening!

With delicious canapés including teriyaki chicken and beef, mini-quiches and shots of gazpacho being bypassed in favour of the free-flowing wine and champagne, it was obvious that within half an hour that eating was probably the last thing on most people’s agendas – these people were here to par-tay! Thankfully, all of the tables from the stunning courtyard had been cleared away for a makeshift dance floor, which DJ Antz had grooving to funky disco sounds from the minute they arrived.

What Miss W did note was the friendly, family type atmosphere, with plenty of the island’s teenagers getting amongst the dance floor action – in outfits that actually had me drooling in envy to tell the truth! Think it may be time for a wardrobe revamp if that’s what the kids are wearing these days – I felt downright dowdy in my dated sass+bide boho-chic white (of course) frock.

Speaking of wardrobes, Leah herself was looking resplendent in a flowing maxi-dress that twirled as she flitted throughout the crowd – I could be wrong, but I think I spied a very similar design in Ocho’s boutique for those wanting to imitate the birthday girl’s style!

THE GOOD: The completely up-for-it crowd. Forget milling around making small talk, the dance floor was heaving within a mere 20 minutes into the party.
THE BAD: As thrilled I was to be at the exclusive soiree, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret at missing out on the fireworks in the port at the same time. But then again, fireworks come every year and this particular date only comes once in a lifetime – well, once in our lifetimes anyway!
THE GOSSIP: The party was held on the 8th of the 8th, 2008 – but Miss W had to wonder why it was scheduled to begin at 10pm… errr, wouldn’t it have been in keeping with the theme to start two hours earlier?