Wednesday, August 20, 2008

19/08/08: The Streets @ Ibiza Rocks

It’s been a while since Miss W has graced the Ibiza Rocks Hotel with her presence – since the opening party in fact – and with the highly anticipated gig tonight featuring The Streets and A.Human, she thought it was about time to embrace her inner Kate Moss (well, within reason of course) and put in some serious band time.

So it was into San Antonio I went, armed with my very best rock chick mini-dress, knee high black boots, plenty of black eyeliner and a trusty White-ette in tow. The venue was still as impressive as I recalled from my first visit and the screams, wolf-whistles and hoots coming from the live stage outside indicated that the crowd was already in the thick of their evening.

Having been bestowed with a VIP wristband, after a quick civilised drink in the hotel lobby, Miss W and Co headed up stairs to the balcony to check out the action. With one look over the railings to the mosh pit below, I must say I was glad that I wasn’t in the thick of the action – this is one place where I am happy to stay at arm’s length.

It seemed the rest of the over-25 age group of Ibiza residents had also opted for this, as there were air-kisses aplenty and a lot of catching up going on during the break between bands. Downstairs was quite a stereotypical Ibiza Rocks crowd – plenty of Top Shop, H&M fashions on display and disturbingly, too many shirts off on sweaty boys for Miss W’s liking!

The Streets themselves seemed to cause absolute pandemonium amongst the youngsters down below - at one point Mike Skinner suggested everyone on a balcony throw rolls of toilet paper into the crowd (quite a festive looks, surprisingly) to much glee, and after obeying this suggestion, it was only a matter of seconds before half the crowd responded to his cries of, ‘Jump in the pool! Jump in the pool!’

While Miss W herself would NEVER EVER be so mentally unstable as to jump fully clothed into a pool full of mushy toilet roll and sweaty lager louts, I must say that I enjoyed the spectacle form my lofty position on the balcony.

And more to the point, enjoyed telling the tale for the rest of the night!

THE GOOD: The totally up-for-anything attitude of the Ibiza Rocks crowd combined with the cheeky antics of The Streets – the toilet paper flying and hundreds of fully clothed punters in the pool put smiles on the faces of even the most cynical Ibiza types.
THE BAD: The slippery, soggy mess of a foyer once the pool jumpers finally made their exit – not a good look and even quite dangerous, even if it meant a once-in-a-lifetime experience for some people.
THE GOSSIP: We were surprised Ibiza Rocks Hotel management didn’t see the hijacking of the swimming pool coming and hire more security for the event – or perhaps they did and simply saw it as an amazing publicity stunt?