Sunday, August 17, 2008

16/08/08: Happy 4th Birthday Blue Marlin!

No sooner had I started raving about the virtues of a quiet Saturday night in Ibiza then I was presented with an action-packed schedule with events on either side of the island. Luckily for Miss W, a Very Generous White-ette With A Car was on hand to drive her back and forth from each event (thanks White-ette!), meaning there was plenty of time to touch up mascara in the rear-vision mirror (not while she was using it of course) and slip into a different pair of shoes on the journey.

After bidding farewell to the All Saints crew at Atzaro we made a beeline for the pebbly shores of Cala Jondal. The occasion? The fourth anniversary of the opening of Blue Marlin – and for us, it was a very happy return indeed.

Sadly, Miss W missed the sit-down dinner for 200 due to her previous engagement, however I can safely guess, based on my many previous dining experiences at Blue Marlin, that the food was delectable, the service impeccable and each and every guest left the table satisfied. In fact, I’d be willing to place bets on it!

The chilled out music set the perfect scene for the bikini-clad models parading up and down the red carpet (who’d have thought, two fashion parades in one evening in Ibiza) and Miss W intends to head back to the Blue Marlin boutique in the daylight hours to try some of the cute designs for herself. It’s halfway through the summer and I’m yet to buy any new swimwear, so this gave me the perfect inspiration.

Other standout highlights included an incredible gasp-worthy fire display, including girls eating fire – a talent Miss W can safely say she will leave to the professionals and of course, Blue Marlin’s wonderfully attentive bar staff looking after our every need, before we even knew we needed anything!

We’re already starting to wonder how they’ll top this for the fifth birthday extravaganza next season!

THE GOOD: The party was still in full swing when Miss W made her exit just before 4am – it’s great to see a beach bar managing to bridge the gap between daytime dining and clubbing culture so well.
THE BAD: Miss W spied some wannabe models grabbing bottles of champagne from the bar and traipsing (err, stumbling and falling) down to the beach to indulge – don’t you know girls, when the bubbles are free-flowing, it’s much classier to wait for your glass to be topped up?
THE GOSSIP: There seemed to be a large contingent of ‘look-at-me’ types amongst the generally chilled Blue Marlin set today – could it be that the Euro-trash have finally stumbled upon our little secret? Let’s hope their appearance was just a one-off…