Saturday, December 13, 2008

12/12/08 Does Ya Mama Know? It’s cocktails at Grial…

When two of the island’s most well-known and well respected residents-slash-professional-party girls (and I mean that in the best sense of the term – chances are they’ve had a hand in many of the best parties you’ve attended in Ibiza) decide to throw a winter soiree, it should come as no surprise that almost everyone on the island – plus a few very special flown-in-for-the-occasion guests – would be in attendance.

But do their Mamas know?

Given the ultra-sexy leopard print-meets-red fringing and feather boudoir style décor, smooth Bossanova sounds and ludicrously delicious cocktails on offer, Miss W would gamble her red Gucci stilettos that Mama doesn’t have a clue, and it’s probably better if it stays that way!

From the very respectable hour of 8pm tonight, the cocktail bar at Grial reopened for the winter season, complete with happy hour until 11 – practically unheard of in Ibiza – and a cocktail list packed full of classics that were a welcome alternative to overpriced spirits and lacklustre wines.

Of course, Miss W couldn’t go past a Cosmopolitan – all that cranberry juice has amazing anti-oxidant and detoxifying properties you know – and while initially I was a little upset to be served my drink in a wine glass rather than the oversized martini glass I’m used to, I had to eventually admit that the room was so busy it was probably better this way. Martini glasses are really only suited to sitting down at a bar, otherwise you slosh it all over the place at the slightest jostle. Unless you’re James Bond of course, but that’s another story…

From hoteliers (who finally get to surface now the high season is over) and property magnates (who say they are busier than ever despite the economic climate) to the dance music fraternity and some snap happy photographers, the mix of clientele was definitely 50/50 Spanish to English, always a sure sign that you’re onto a good thing on this island…

Breakfast At Tiffany’s was being projected onto the wall – a lovely visual to be entertained (not to mention fashionably inspired) by - and classic tunes piped through the bar while the hoi polloi and their hosts caught up and compared Christmas and New Year plans over a cocktail or three - Miss W overheard more than one group of revelers declaring how happy they were to find yet another winter watering hole to whet their whistles. Three cheers to that!

THE GOOD: Happy hour. There’s a distinct lack of places to go in the limbo hours between eight and midnight (unless you’re happy to stay at a restaurant or a café) in Ibiza at the moment, and this night filled the gap to perfection. Not only that, but when cocktails are two for the price of one, it’s all the more reason to splash your cash on a round of Christmas Cosmopolitans for your mates, considering the credit crunch and all that jazz…
THE BAD: The smoke! I’m not usually one to complain if someone lights up beside me but the ventilation in Grial leaves a lot to be desired. I know the idea of a dim-lit smoke-filled jazzy bar is sexy, but in reality, it just makes your eyes sting and your throat hurt. Ouch.
THE GOSSIP: It was a little like Grial had revolving doors come midnight with the amount of comings and goings that were happening. Where did they all come from or where were they going? Was it Pacha? Bombay Lounge? Aura? Ocho? Or heavens forbid, bed? Either way, it was difficult to walk through Grial without seeing a familiar face, no matter what hour you were there.