Sunday, December 21, 2008

20/12/08: Cardamom Club Christmas Market & Party

The festive period is starting to feel a little bit like the opening and closings to Miss W at the moment – seeing the same faces, the daily what-to-wear dilemma and that slightly fuzzy morning after feeling… But that’s what we love about living in Ibiza isn’t it? Well, apart from the fuzziness perhaps!

It’s also what keeps people coming back to the island, some to live permanently, some for annual holidays, some for monthly jaunts and some to celebrate the festive season, which is what the island collective were all doing this weekend, despite the fact that Santa – or Papa Noel as he’s known in Spain – hasn’t even started packing his sleigh yet. Kicking off the weekend’s proceedings was the annual Christmas market and soiree at our favourite Bollywood-meets-Ibiza haunt, The Cardamom Club in Santa Eulalia.

With Ibiza’s glorious sunshine high in the sky, Miss W and the White-ettes hit the road early in order to make the most of strolling around the gorgeous orchards and sitting in the courtyard devouring chef Craig Collligan’s divine Indian delights as if it were just another summer afternoon. Sadly for us, we weren’t the only people with this idea as the courtyard was already completely packed before we arrived!

Not one to let that dampen the shopping-meets-party spirit, we simply spent more time indulging in last minute Christmas treats – think homemade brownies, Florentines and sesame snaps, luxury crackers, those last important decorations for the tree, amazingly adorned cards and divine handmade jewellery – before moving indoors to take our place in the communal bar dining area with faces from many of the island’s most important establishments joining us – think Ibiza Rocks, Icon Ibiza, The Shop, Bacchus, Wonderland, We Love… and Pacha and you’ll realize it was a very busy space indeed!

As the afternoon turned into evening – and the chill quickly set in – all market stalls were packed away and the action moved indoors. With DJs Jo Mills and Tomas Hedberg providing the entertainment (an awesome opportunity for lucky guests to witness intimate sets from the island’s finest local talent) and every seat in the house full (and some with kids on their laps even!), Miss W couldn’t help but wonder how hostess with the mostess Navine managed to keep her cool all night – it’s a tough job when everybody knows your name and are all vying for your attention at once – so hats off to the hostess, we say!

THE GOOD: Getting to see one of our favourite establishments really show us what they’re made of – to be able to simultaneously manage a market, live music in the courtyard, a busy bar, DJs and decks plus offer a full a la carte service in the peak of the festive season is a feat second to none. Cardamom Club crew, we salute you!
THE BAD: At one point in the afternoon, the kitchen actually ran out of food! While this was clearly good for business, it was bad for Miss W, who left without being able to indulge in all her favourite dishes before the kitchen – who seemed to barely have a spare second to breathe – got the chance to do further preparation. Oh well, all the more reason to return!
THE GOSSIP: Although Miss W went home at a relatively tame hour – a girl needs her beauty sleep this time of year you know – her spies say the party continued well into the morning hours before relocating to Aura. A good indication we think, as to which way the Cardamom Club’s New Year’s Eve bash may go…