Wednesday, April 30, 2008

30/04/08: Spoilt for sunset: SAVANNAH OPENING PARTY

What I love about sunset is that it just never gets boring. Aside from the fact that it is just utterly breathtaking each and every night - yes, Miss W is a romantic at heart, even though she often pretends not to be - there is just no possible way you can get bored when San Antonio’s sunset strip offers so many different locations to watch it from.

Well, it does now they are slowly opening their doors again, one by one. Tonight marked the re-opening of Savannah, definitely the most grown up and swish affair on the strip - and our all-time favourite, to tell the truth! What’s not to love about lounging on one of the stylish white daybeds as you watch the sun begin it’s slow descent.

There was a real buzz in the air tonight and it didn’t just come from the dramatic build up to sunset - the hoi polloi (and some new-ish faces on the scene) were all out in force, trading shop talk about their plans for summer, which is creeping just that little bit closer every time the sun sinks into the sea.

The party didn’t stop after sunset however, with a huge group gathered to celebrate the birthday of Simeon Friend - who literally must know every single person on the island because it felt like they were all in attendance. Miss W assumes that the bar staff must have been happy with their takings that evening as there were certainly a few people stumbling - glamorously of course - away from Savannah when they finally called it a night.

The good: The sunset. Isn’t it always?
The bad: The kitchen was so busy serving food it was a little difficult to even place an order at one point.
The gossip: While the guests were loving the chic Savannah’s vibe, we couldn’t help but wonder - why hasn’t Javier (who remained tight-lipped) set an opening date for sister bar Café Mambo yet?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

26/04/08: Bedouin bliss: KM5 OPENING PARTY

Well it’s about time, thought Miss W, when she received the invitation to KM5’s long-awaited opening bash. I mean, where else can a girl perch like a princess on a pillow, under a huge tent or even under the stars if her heart desires? Well, I can think of a few places in Ibiza to be honest, but I don’t love any of them as much as I love KM5.

Aside from that, they really do make the best Bloody Mary on the island, without a doubt, and after the amount of times the attentive wait staff at Sol Den Serra topped my glass up with Laurent Perrier at my previous engagement, it was exactly what I needed to get me back on track for the rest of the night.

With the fabulous music coming courtesy of KM5 resident DJ Graham Sahara, the entire venue was completely full. Once again this week, most of the island residents were revelling in the chance to finally go to another venue after a long winter of same, same, sameness.

The only real shame about tonight was the fact it was so chilly - normally when I go to KM5 I like to dress (what I believe to be) appropriately - flowy skirts, peasant tops - not in the same combination mind you - and girly gladiator sandals, the type of outfit that will flare out flatteringly as you take your position on the gorgeously comfy couches and more importantly, won’t look un-ladylike when you try to get back up! Tonight however, it was totally a jeans, boots and even a coat affair - well, at least I got one last good wear out of my coat!


The good: The restaurant was still packed at 1am, so it looks like our body clocks will soon be getting back into the rhythm of late night summer meals.
The bad: Brrrrr… it couldn’t have gotten any colder if it had been the middle of winter.
The gossip: Someone - not mentioning any names of course - thought it would be a good idea to shimmy up a pole and try to pull down one of the enormous garden tents, though thankfully they were foiled by one of their eagle eyed colleagues.

Friday, April 25, 2008

25/04/08: Seaside champers: SOL DEN SERRA OPENING PARTY

The fact that the über-exclusive opening soiree at Sol Den Serra fell on the same night as the open house KM5 bash didn’t mean missing any of the action for Miss W. Sol Den Serra has such a stunning backdrop by day, so it meant I raced to get there early before the sun set in order to admire the turquoise sea and striking cliffs - to be honest at night it’s all just a bit, well, black.

The chilly wind (what is it with this cold snap BTW?) meant we had to spend most of the evening inside but before the shiny new glass concertina terrace doors were pulled closed, Miss W got a sneak peek at the renovations downstairs. And is super impressed. I’m looking forward to a summer spent lazing on the oversized white daybeds and munching on sashimi from the new sushi bar.

In the absence of sushi tonight, however, champagne and canapés were the order of the evening
- I’ve always thought food consumed whilst standing up doesn’t have any calories, so let’s just say that Miss W wasn’t shy when it came to the gorgeous little spoonfuls of mushroom risotto and satay chicken sticks. The usual suspects were in attendance (though it seemed a bit like a revolving door with guests to-ing and fro-ing between venues) and a special mention goes to the legendary Tony Pike for managing to continue charming the girls on the terrace despite the wind!


The good: The party was sponsored by Laurent Perrier. Need we say more?
The bad: We’re not sure who was responsible for the wiring the electrics but two power cuts during the night was a bit of a downer.
The gossip: The ultra exclusive event was strictly invitation only, but Miss W heard rumours that quite a few invited guests were turned away at the door - perhaps some overzealous doormen taking their job just a little too seriously?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

19/04/08: The cherries blossom: PACHA WITH STEVE LAWLER

It was like a light globe clicked on over my head when I realised tonight there are only six weeks until the summer opening parties, which - to Miss W anyway - means basically three things:

1. I seriously need to get in training. And I don’t just mean the Bikram yoga variety (though I am planning to give it another go next week), I mean the increase-stamina-for-summer type of training. These all night clubbing affairs, well, I’m just not used to it any more. Suggestions welcome.

2. I need some new clothes! I’m noticing a lot of newbies arriving on the island with their very special ‘Ibiza outfits’ - you know, Kate Moss-eque gladiator sandals and flirty patterned frocks - and while my wardrobe is actually packed with these Ibiza staples, I think it’s time to give it a bit of a revamp.

3. I need to brush up on my musical knowledge (and thus my dance moves) so I can move to the groove a little better come opening party time. With the International Music Summit looming, the last thing Miss W wants is to be standing beside an über-important music industry type (or DJ/producer) and have to nod enthusiastically, rather than voice her own opinion on the music.

Tonight it seemed the entire island had turned out for the appearance of big name guest DJ Steve Lawler
- who kept the dance floor packed all night - from rival club promoters to superstar DJs and local celebrities. And of course, it was nice to see the entire Pacha Ibiza family out in force once again.


The good: The fabulous soundtrack provided by Steve Lawler. If this is what’s in store for summer, we can’t wait to hear more.
The bad: Miss W would like to issue a personal apology to Mr Lawler after spending a good hour asking him about the hottest new tunes for summer. I promise, next time I’ll do my homework BEFORE the gig and leave you to drink your beer in peace…
The gossip: People on the island may gossip about the reasons behind Pete Tong’s move from Pacha to Eden but Miss W can report that rumours of a fall-out are just idle gossip - the BBC Radio 1 DJ was back at his old stomping ground tonight in a show of pre-season support.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

13/04/08: A non-party round up

Phew! With the recent goings on, deadlines and many events of late I’ve hardly had a chance to file my nails, fit in a fake bake or even log into Facebook - seriously, who has time for a social networking site when you’ve got an actual social life?

Not Miss W, that’s for sure.

But I do have time to give you a brief update on what’s been going on in my world away from the party circuit - after all, there is so much more to Ibiza than sipping champagne and posing for pictures! Well first of all, the sun has been shining, which means I’ve been making Blue Marlin my lunch-meeting-place-of-choice. And I’m LOVING that Bambuddha Grove has wi-fi installed - why would you meet in an office when Ibiza has so many fabulous alternatives? Yes, some of us on the island do manage to hold down professional careers, despite the way it may seem.

I’ve totally fallen in love with a new store in the heart of the old town, called reVOLVER. I have my eye on the hottest striped dress by Twenty8Twelve (that’s Sienna Miller’s label with her sister Savannah), some sensational (and enormous) turquoise sunnies by Matthew Williamson and I am literally chomping at the bit for the the latest sass+bide collections - en route from Australia apparently. Did someone say credit card?

The Potential Boyfriend situation is at a bit of a stalemate. Let me tell you, it’s not easy being a single gal in Ibiza during the off-season (especially for a shy little wallflower like myself!) and with the summer creeping closer and closer by the minute, I’m worried that if PB doesn’t strike while the iron is hot, I’ll be lured away by a handsome bachelor who has cruised into town on his luxury yacht and - hmmm, that actually puts a whole new perspective on the situation, doesn’t it?

With yacht trips and future Potential Boyfriends in mind, I also enrolled in Bikram Yoga to give myself a headstart towards that ‘summer bikini body plan’ all the magazines are raving about. So far - I’m not that into it. Though I must admit I have only been once. All that sweat and stretching is a tad too icky for Miss W! Then again - have you SEEN Madonna’s body lately? Maybe I’ll give it another go. In the meantime however, I’ve switched from café con lechés to cortados - since I’m not willing to cut down on coffee, I figured cutting down on milk was the best I could do. Now if I could just cut out the two over-heaped teaspoons of sugar that I stir into every one…

Thursday, April 10, 2008

10/04/08: Hats off to Vaughan: BAMBUDDHA GROVE

Miss W

When you can book out the entire restaurant space at Bambuddha Grove (plus fill the space in its surrounding bars) for your 49th birthday celebration, it’s quite scary to think just how big your fiesta for the big 5-0 is going to be next year.

Bambuddha Grove

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet!

Tonight, the Ibiza glitterati turned out in force to celebrate Vaughan’s (of The Rock Bar and Pacha’s Funky Room fame) birthday and for a minute there Miss W thought she may have to make do with a champagne supper as there clearly appeared to be no space in the dining room for the White-ettes, who had forgotten to phone ahead! Thankfully, our last minute decision to join the diners - thanks to the tantalising aromas coming from steaming bowls of spicy Thai soup and succulent salmon steaks - was accommodated thanks to some clever reshuffling and super service. No foot stamping required!
Bambuddha Grove
Owner John Moon was working his magic as he worked the room and there were plenty more familiar faces using the opportunity to let loose before the summer kicks in. The man of the hour proved quite difficult to actually pin down for a birthday smooch, although spotting him in the room was never a problem courtesy of his trademark headgear!

No prizes for guessing what the birthday gift Vaughan received on the night was - another hat to add to his collection of course!

The good:
The social buzz of the restaurant - at one point between courses it seemed like a game of musical chairs!
The bad: Forgetting to make a dinner reservation! Take note: on a special occasion like this, Bambuddha Grove really requires a reservation - unless you’re Miss W (and quite possibly Vaughan) that is…
The gossip: The music was meant to begin at midnight, however the DJs didn’t seem to take note as Miss W spied them tucking into plates of prawn crackers and waiting for their main course after the clock had struck 12.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

06/04/08: Top secret soiree: UNDERGROUND WITH DJ JO MILLS

No sooner had I written about the anticipation of heading towards El Ayoun, than a trip to the good old San Rafael exit presented itself again - only this time a left turn was required in order to head to one of Ibiza’s best kept secrets on the club circuit, Underground.

The party season in Ibiza hasn’t really kicked off just yet, but Miss W had been told that long-time Ibiza resident DJ Jo Mills would be doing a very special secret gig at Underground tonight - her first on the island this year. And knowing Jo had just announced her summer residency at Wonderland - Pete Tong’s all-new night on Fridays at the revamped Eden - was enough to get me dusting off my party shoes, pull out the hair straightener and get into club mode to catch a sneak summer preview.

The action didn’t really get going until around 2.30am, when Jo and her other half, legendary club promoter Charlie Chester arrived at the venue. Now is it just me or is Jo an absolute dynamo? By day, she’s one half of the dynamic Icon Ibiza duo and by night, a superstar DJ! Tonight she’d jetted back to Ibiza after a gig in London especially for the occasion (not an easy feat considering there are still no direct flights) and jumped straight behind the decks enthusiastically to wow the local crowd - a hotch-potch of DJs, producers, photographers, writers, filmmakers and yours truly of course!


The good: The infectious energy of Jo Mills - we salute you!
The bad: Secret superstar DJ gigs are all well and good but if you don’t publicise them you can’t expect a packed venue - perhaps sometimes things can be a little TOO underground for their own good?
The gossip: Apparently there was tension between a few local DJs all vying for tonight’s warm-up set. We know winter can be tough financially for those on the DJ scene but shouldn’t you be supporting each other too?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

02/04/08: Everything’s groovy baby: EL AYOUN

I love the feeling you get as you veer right off the San Rafael roundabout and head towards El Ayoun - it’s that feeling of anticipation, like you never quite know how your night could end up. It could be a civilised cocktail or two, an amazing meal or an all-night dancing session… but tonight I was pretty sure of what to expect, given the invitation declared a ‘Boogie Nights’ theme.

El Ayoun

Not owning any roller skates and not really knowing where to buy any in Ibiza at such late notice meant I couldn’t dress the part of Rollergirl. Shame really, since she’s one of my favourite fancy dress alter egos. Rather than risk looking slightly tacky without them - a look which would not suit Miss W or indeed El Ayoun AT ALL - I opted for 70s poolside glam, a floaty bejewelled kaftan and layer upon layer of beads (in a moment of weakness earlier today I picked up a strand or two at Purinma) and insisted my fellow White-ettes follow suit. Well, follow kaftan anyway!

El AyounAfro wigs, false ponytails, skin-tight silver leggings and Saturday Night Fever-esque tunes greeted us upon arrival - a sure sign that tonight was all about disco. That’s the thing I love about El Ayoun - it can go from chi-chi to cheeky overnight and you can have a different experience each and every time you go. Seriously, Miss W could go to El Ayoun every night of the week - if only she had enough fabulous outfits.

Must remember to invest in some roller skates for next time - Privado’s dance floor has the ideal surface for a mini roller disco!


The good: Privado’s cute cocktail waiters getting into the spirit of things - dressed to the nines and sporting wigs and make-up for the occasion, it was hard to tell who was having more fun, the guests or the staff!
The bad: Some people just really shouldn’t squeeze themselves into Lycra, no matter what the theme of the party. Enough said.
The gossip: Certain partygoers were heard mentioning that tonight’s event was a little too close to the opening party to warrant a return visit - are they mad?