Thursday, April 10, 2008

10/04/08: Hats off to Vaughan: BAMBUDDHA GROVE

Miss W

When you can book out the entire restaurant space at Bambuddha Grove (plus fill the space in its surrounding bars) for your 49th birthday celebration, it’s quite scary to think just how big your fiesta for the big 5-0 is going to be next year.

Bambuddha Grove

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet!

Tonight, the Ibiza glitterati turned out in force to celebrate Vaughan’s (of The Rock Bar and Pacha’s Funky Room fame) birthday and for a minute there Miss W thought she may have to make do with a champagne supper as there clearly appeared to be no space in the dining room for the White-ettes, who had forgotten to phone ahead! Thankfully, our last minute decision to join the diners - thanks to the tantalising aromas coming from steaming bowls of spicy Thai soup and succulent salmon steaks - was accommodated thanks to some clever reshuffling and super service. No foot stamping required!
Bambuddha Grove
Owner John Moon was working his magic as he worked the room and there were plenty more familiar faces using the opportunity to let loose before the summer kicks in. The man of the hour proved quite difficult to actually pin down for a birthday smooch, although spotting him in the room was never a problem courtesy of his trademark headgear!

No prizes for guessing what the birthday gift Vaughan received on the night was - another hat to add to his collection of course!

The good:
The social buzz of the restaurant - at one point between courses it seemed like a game of musical chairs!
The bad: Forgetting to make a dinner reservation! Take note: on a special occasion like this, Bambuddha Grove really requires a reservation - unless you’re Miss W (and quite possibly Vaughan) that is…
The gossip: The music was meant to begin at midnight, however the DJs didn’t seem to take note as Miss W spied them tucking into plates of prawn crackers and waiting for their main course after the clock had struck 12.