Sunday, April 13, 2008

13/04/08: A non-party round up

Phew! With the recent goings on, deadlines and many events of late I’ve hardly had a chance to file my nails, fit in a fake bake or even log into Facebook - seriously, who has time for a social networking site when you’ve got an actual social life?

Not Miss W, that’s for sure.

But I do have time to give you a brief update on what’s been going on in my world away from the party circuit - after all, there is so much more to Ibiza than sipping champagne and posing for pictures! Well first of all, the sun has been shining, which means I’ve been making Blue Marlin my lunch-meeting-place-of-choice. And I’m LOVING that Bambuddha Grove has wi-fi installed - why would you meet in an office when Ibiza has so many fabulous alternatives? Yes, some of us on the island do manage to hold down professional careers, despite the way it may seem.

I’ve totally fallen in love with a new store in the heart of the old town, called reVOLVER. I have my eye on the hottest striped dress by Twenty8Twelve (that’s Sienna Miller’s label with her sister Savannah), some sensational (and enormous) turquoise sunnies by Matthew Williamson and I am literally chomping at the bit for the the latest sass+bide collections - en route from Australia apparently. Did someone say credit card?

The Potential Boyfriend situation is at a bit of a stalemate. Let me tell you, it’s not easy being a single gal in Ibiza during the off-season (especially for a shy little wallflower like myself!) and with the summer creeping closer and closer by the minute, I’m worried that if PB doesn’t strike while the iron is hot, I’ll be lured away by a handsome bachelor who has cruised into town on his luxury yacht and - hmmm, that actually puts a whole new perspective on the situation, doesn’t it?

With yacht trips and future Potential Boyfriends in mind, I also enrolled in Bikram Yoga to give myself a headstart towards that ‘summer bikini body plan’ all the magazines are raving about. So far - I’m not that into it. Though I must admit I have only been once. All that sweat and stretching is a tad too icky for Miss W! Then again - have you SEEN Madonna’s body lately? Maybe I’ll give it another go. In the meantime however, I’ve switched from café con lechés to cortados - since I’m not willing to cut down on coffee, I figured cutting down on milk was the best I could do. Now if I could just cut out the two over-heaped teaspoons of sugar that I stir into every one…