Friday, November 7, 2008

07/11/08: Summing up the season

So yet another summer has just passed us by – although passing by probably isn’t the right way to express it. Another summer has crashed headfirst into our lives, put on a spectacular performance and then danced on out again like the whirlwind it was.

Well, at least that’s how it was for Miss W anyway.

So how do I sum it up? A couple of parties here, a bit of clubbing there and a lot of nail polish, mascara and lip gloss (always a creamy nude thank you very much!) slicked on in between – not to mention sunscreen on those sultry summer afternoons on the beach! There have been many a faithful pair of boots and stilettos re-heeled after all the action on the dance floor and I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of fresh mint plants I have slaughtered in the name of a good mojito – for research purposes of course!

There’s been some talk in the White Ibiza Studio that perhaps Miss W should nominate some of her season highlights, like best DJ, favourite beach, favourite club night, best looking bartenders and the like – but you know, I just can’t play favourites with my babies (cough Luciano splutter Cala Jondal gulp We Love… Sundays erm Base Bar). It wouldn’t be fair, you know?

But what I can do is relive a few of my own personal highlights.

1. Bumping into Luciano (and flicking my hair accordingly) on the red carpet at Ocean Drive – in front of That Person Formerly Known As Potential Boyfriend. My finest hour indeed.

2. Dancing with Kate Moss in the makeshift VIP area at Space as The Chemical Brothers rocked the Discoteca at We Love… Sundays’ 10th birthday bash. Oh OK, I was just dancing NEXT to her. But it looks like we’re mates in the photos!

3. Inadvertently taking part in a protest along Vara De Rey against the closure of DC10 and other after-hours parties – the critics may have shunned it but I was totally having my very own Angelina Jolie-esque freedom fighter moment. Libertad!

4. Dancing on the sand at Groove Armada’s not-so-secret live concert at S’Estanyol – world-class production, sensational music and quite possibly one of the most spectacular locations on the island.

5. Welcoming a gorgeous little blue-eyed stripey kitten into my Ibiza family – the essential accessory to snuggle up to after any event. It’s not always about parties you know!

THE GOOD: Summer. Ibiza. Is there anywhere else in the world I would rather would I rather be? Not a chance.
THE BAD: While the law is the law and if you’re not abiding by said law then it’s true you have to pay the penalties, Miss W was incredibly saddened about the closure of DC10. Those were the days…
THE GOSSIP: Of course, at the end of the season the gossip is always about who went well, who will survive, who is planning what for next year, but I have to say, the one thing that I am most interested in is the future fate of Manumission. Have they jumped ship from Amnesia? Will there even be a Manumission club night next year? Are Mike and Claire opening a burlesque restaurant after all? Will there be the long-awaited world tour? Only time will tell… and you can rest assured Miss W will be here to tell you all about it when the time comes.