Saturday, November 1, 2008

31/10/08: Halloween, Ibiza style…

Miss W would love to tell you all about the annual Bambuddha Grove Halloween party in Ibiza style. She’d love to tell you all about the amazing décor, from cobweb-encrusted ceilings to buddhas in hockey masks, oversized spiders hanging from the roof and skeletons in every corner. She’d love to talk about the amazing spookily-themed cocktails and how it was so busy it made getting to the bar quite a challenge. She’d love to talk about the special guest DJs and their amazing music getting the crowd on the makeshift dancefloor til the early hours of the morning.

And most of all, she’d love to tell you about the phenomenal effort made by every man, woman, child and even dog on the island to dress up for the Halloween occasion. From not one but two sets of Ghostbusters and many a gruesome fanged vampire – including one saucy schoolgirl vamp with a creepy matching vamp-esque dolly by her side – to skeletons, witches, warlocks, pirates, Bollywood babes, the Joker, a ladybird, KISS characters, a life-sized pumpkin, several Grim Reapers, a Tinkerbell and a couple of X-Men thrown in for good measure.

BUT! Sadly… Miss W can’t. She can tell you all of these things as hearsay – from Very Reliable Sources I might add – however when it came to the Halloween action, it seems Miss W’s Halloween was more of a trick than a treat.

Yes folks, tonight Miss W was off her game. By trying to spread myself thin and attend as many pre-Halloween bashes as possible, I’d opted to bypass the dinner part of the festivities at the Grove and just attend the ensuing party.

Big mistake. Big, big mistake. Big, big, biiiiiiig mistake – and I’m not afraid to admit it!

Why? Because by the time I had party-hopped my way around Ibiza Town – including an extended stop-off at Base Bar’s spooky special event – and then made my way up to the Grove, it seemed The Authorities (not content with just making Their Presence known throughout the summer) had intervened and pulled the plug. No amount of begging, pleading or phoning a friend could help Miss W get inside the party, and I guess I had no one to blame but myself. Not one to throw a ‘don’t-you-know-who-I-am?’ style tantrum, I simply hotfooted it over to Pacha, where all trick-or-treaters were welcome.

Apparently it was something to do with the venue being over capacity, as Bambuddha Grove really is a restaurant, not a bar. It seems a shame to end the season without even one exception being made to the rule, but them’s the brakes. Or are they?

They say rules are made to be broken, and if gossip is to be believed (see below), it looks like the guests of the party really got the last spooky laugh tonight…

THE GOOD: Missing out on Bambuddha Grove didn’t mean the end of my Halloween – it simply meant I got the chance to check out the intimate Pacha winter set-up (along with all the other ghouls and goblins who missed out on a place inside the Grove) for the first time this season – and now I’m looking forward to spending a lot more quality weekend time on that dance floor.
THE BAD: Missing out on all the action of course! Looks like skipping dinner certainly didn’t do Miss W any favours on this occasion as it was definitely a case of first in, first served.
THE GOSSIP: Although the non-official word was that Bambuddha Grove had been closed down by the police – who had definitely made an appearance – and the doormen were certainly not letting any more guests inside, there are plenty of partygoers who will testify to the fact that the party went on until well after 4am.