Sunday, November 30, 2008

29/11/08: Funky Party @ Pacha

While the ever-so-slight chill in the air at the moment makes the idea of party-hopping seem less than desirable, we’re here to assure you there is one party hop in Ibiza that doesn’t require a scarf and coat between venues – and that’s the swift hop (across the road), skip (down the path) and jump (over the velvet rope) from Bombay Lounge to Pacha. Though if you’re looking for an opportunity to show off your new season’s wardrobe – a là Miss W – chances are you’ll don the winter warmers for the 30-second strut anyway.

After a bit of schmoozing with the hoi polloi at Kama Night, Miss W decided it was time to make the switch to Pacha’s Funky Party, where DJs Graham Sahara and Andy Baxter were bringing the sounds of the Funky Room – which has an incredibly huge cult following in summer – to the main room of the club for one night only.

As per the summer tradition, it was the small crowded space and stairs behind the DJ booth where the REAL action was taking place. Thankfully, Miss W’s special privileges apply all year round so she was there to witness firsthand the festivities.

From bottles of hierbas passing the lips of otherwise refined islanders and couples sneaking off up the darkened stairs for a reason I could never possibly guess - only to be sent back down in shame by the switched on security staff to a gaggle of glam girlies (or should we call them groupies?) dominating the space behind the booth, it was Pacha party central – no surprise given that one half of the DJ duo was celebrating his birthday and half the island had turned out to celebrate.

At 3am, the place experienced a surge of new partygoers (as nearby Bombay Lounge closed its doors I suspect) and the dance floor was packed. I took it upon myself to manoeuvre through the club more than once and can report that while it was a local-heavy crowd, the summer standards of frocking up had not fallen at all – Pacha is one of the only clubs that has a cloakroom and while it may not be needed in the warmer months, it sure is getting a workout these days.

THE GOOD: While the lengthy guest list queues of summer are no more, there is definitely a spectacle of sorts taking place outside the club – albeit an amazing spectacle. The famous palm trees that dominate the clubs exterior are now dripping with decorations – huge glowing red baubles hanging from the leaves and thousands of sparkling fairy lights adorning the trunks – Cherry Christmas indeed!
THE BAD: The amount of people who had promised to come and show their support and celebrate the birthday of their good friend DJ Andy Baxter that were no-shows on the night - you know who you are! Just because the previous night was rather extravagant on the party front doesn’t give you license to play hooky – plenty of others managed to perform for the double header.
THE GOSSIP: Miss W heard a whisper that the music wasn’t quite as ‘funky’ as the general style of the Funky Room in the summer and that at one point a certain man in a Very Big Hat - notorious for creating the original room – stepped behind the booth to have a quiet word in the DJs’ ears about getting back to their roots.