Sunday, November 23, 2008

23/11/08: The Geisha - The Boat Charter Company

Take one 18-metre sailboat, fitted with teak and adorned with striking black sails, add an incredible gourmet picnic spread made up of the finest Spanish wines, traditional ham, cheese and enough delectable canape style treats to tempt a pirate, then introduce the team of White-ettes, a couple of Token White Males and the wonderful crew of The Boat Charter Company (including a very cute co-captain of the canine variety) and you’ve got the makings for an amazing day of sailing in Ibiza.

Donning my very best nautical attire for a day on the high seas and remembering to pack a scarf and sunscreen because it does indeed get a little chilly despite the glorious sunshine, it was all aboard the good ship Geisha, the pride and joy of The Boat Charter Company. Really an incredible vessel, featuring three bedrooms plus a kitchen and living space for those who can’t bear to go onto dry land once the sun goes down – this is true luxury on the water and an afternoon experience Miss W is looking forward to indulging in more over the course of the coming winter months.

At the helm was captain Len Hall and hostess with the mostess Mandy Gregory, ready to prove that a drop in temperature does not mean a trip to Es Palmador and Formetera is any less cool! In fact, as we sailed out of Marina Botafoch and headed across to our neighboring islands, with the sun on our faces and slightly windswept hair, I couldn’t help but imagine how glamorous we looked as we sailed past those on ferries or smaller little boats. If you ask me, it was like a scene right out of a movie – and we all know Miss W would be casting herself in the lead role!

Of course, my co-stars were equally as glamorous – particularly one Token White Male who was very adept at assisting with sails and ropes while the girls simply gazed on in admiration (subtly and behind sunglasses of course – though they’ll probably deny it after the fact) and imagined him to be our very own pirate of the Mediterranean for the day.

The crystal clear waters sparkled with clarity and the tranquil beaches looked divine without the sun beds and umbrellas they’re peppered with in summer while all hands on deck seemed to be consistently be holding a glass of wine just to add to the ambience of our own personal movie set!

I don’t know if it was a case of sea legs or if the free-flowing vino tinto had anything to do with it, but Miss W certainly noticed more than one of the guests walking with a bit of a sailor worthy swagger once on dry land…

THE GOOD: Amazing winter weather makes for the perfect day of smooth sailing. Sure you won’t be diving off the boat for a swim (unless you’ve packed your wetsuit) but the gorgeously sunny conditions are perfect for smooth sailing, sightseeing and sipping on vino...
THE BAD: Daylight savings means the sun goes down earlier so you don’t get to experience as many hours on the water – unless you get up super early that is, and Miss W is definitely NOT a morning person!
THE GOSSIP: Miss W hears that the instant success of the new Ryanair direct flights from London and Milan to Ibiza means the demand for chartering weekend yacht trips in Ibiza is on the rise. While The Boat Charter Company has plenty of options available, there’s only one Geisha so we think you should make a reservation pronto!