Saturday, October 25, 2008

25/10/08: Making new friends

One of the best remedies to help deal with the sadness of bidding your friends farewell for another season in Ibiza is to make some new friends. Sometimes you’ll meet them at a party, other times in a bar, sometimes they’ll be friends of a friend and others may just turn up completely unexpected. For all you know, they could well be strolling along beside you as you walk through town.

The latter is exactly the way Miss W made her New Best Friend today. After a brief stroll through the slightly soggy Sant Jordi market this morning – a girl will cross any terrain to nab the type of amazing vintage silver earrings I picked up this morning – Miss W decided it was high time she spent a little less time shopping and a little more time socialising so she headed back to Ibiza Town, where all the action was taking place in Boulevard Matutes de Vila, the pedestrianised section of the new town.

Rather than cruise about the place chit-chatting to everyone, today Miss W took a more carefully considered approach to making new friends – she lingered around the outskirts, checking out the looks of everyone but it wasn’t too long before she was approached by a very big, dark and handsome type, in town on somewhat of a business trip.

He wandered right up to me, sniffed me – very forward don’t you think? - then seemed to nod his approval. Then his minder made me an offer I couldn’t refuse – not that Miss W is shallow or easy - and he was just so good looking I had to follow his lead.

My NBF, as you may have guessed by now is of the four-legged variety, a gorgeous-yet-homeless shepherd dog named Pelut, one of the many dogs in Ibiza living in a shelter and looking for a new home. Today marks the first ‘Day Of Responsible Adoption’, a promotion that takes these furry friends out of their cages and onto the streets, with the objection to place them in new homes, staffed completely by volunteer helpers and veterinarians.

There were big ones, small ones, teensy tiny baby ones, fluffy ones, scruffy ones, stray ones and even adorable old ancient ones – the only trouble was how do you pick which one? Thankfully Miss W’s NBF made her decision easy and chose her.

You’ve gotta love a dog with a nose for Marc Jacobs perfume!

THE GOOD: 17 of the dogs were successfully adopted out to new families today, a testament to the volunteer workers and veterinarians who worked to oversee the event all day. If you’re interested in helping out or adopting your very own perrito, head to for further information.
THE BAD: Sadly, Miss W lives in an apartment with two bossy felines, which meant there was no way she could take Pelut home with her. The good news is, she can volunteer to walk him until he finds a new home, meaning her newfound friendship can continue.
THE GOSSIP: The ominous rainclouds overhead almost threatened to ruin the event (imagine that many soggy wet dogs trying to seduce new owners?) but the heavens must have been smiling on the dogs as it managed to stay dry until the end of the event.