Saturday, October 11, 2008

10/10/08: Danz Closing Party @ Aura

It only feels like five minutes ago that Miss W was waxing lyrical about the amazing renovations that happened over the winter at Aura… and here we are now, saying sayonara to the summer season of their Friday night special Danz. Wow.

Wanting to make the most of the whole experience, Miss W rounded up a group of White-ettes and island friends to head in to the venue early, taste the much talked about tapas and get into the spirit from start to finish, which is how she found herself sat at a beautiful candlelit round table on the terrace with her closest friends, talking for hours about the season wrap ups and the very few parties that were still on the agenda.

The thing about sitting at one of the cosy outdoor tables, complete with standing heaters to avoid the oncoming chill is that it’s just so comfy you never ever want to leave. But after about two hours of intense conversation, I realised that there was actually a major party taking place inside and thought perhaps it was time to mingle… and headed indoors accordingly.

It never ceases to amaze me the way Aura has the ability to practically become a nightclub after dinner and tonight the soundtrack came courtesy of Ibiza Sonica’s Andy Wilson. A dance floor high point? The mega Trompeta by Sis, a track that practically defines the Ibiza summer and had the crowd grooving and moving like it was a major club. Just when you thought it was safe to think clubbing was over for the season…

As usual on a Friday night at Aura, everyone who is anyone was there – club promoters, publicity mega-managers, art dealers, international and local DJs, party planners, concierge queens, marketing gurus, restaurant managers, visiting diplomats... Oh alright, the diplomat part may be a slight exaggeration but you get my drift. This was THE place to be tonight.

And Miss W and the White-ettes were on hand to get all the gossip – both on and off the record. Stay tuned for further updates before Aura officially closes its doors for the summer – there’s still at least another week plus Miss W hears Team Aura are contemplating staying open on weekends until Christmas.

What else can I say? Yes please!

THE GOOD: The mixologists, as always. Miss W couldn’t help but notice how the two exceptionally good looking bar staff (aren’t they always at Aura?) seemed to have the perfect aesthetic balance, one with short hair, one with long hair, one shaking, one stirring – was this a cleverly executed
THE BAD: While Miss W isn’t one to complain if a menu item isn’t what she expected – you win some you lose some right? – she has to admit, when three out of four dishes don’t really live up to expectations, perhaps there’s an issue or two in the kitchen? Perhaps it can be blamed on the overwhelming amount of patrons turning up in droves and placing extra stress on the kitchen?
THE GOSSIP: Spotted wheeling and dealing on Aura terrace was the combination of one of the island’s most notorious promoters and a very well known local identity, rumoured to soon be opening his own venue. While Miss W would never name names, this is surely a killer combination to look out for next summer.