Sunday, October 12, 2008

12/10/08: Atzaro Summer Closing Party

Depsite last night’s antics (err, and the night before!), Miss W managed to get out of bed at a reasonable hour today as she had vowed to take her visiting friends on a tour of the island that didn’t involve night clubs, however the ominous rainclouds and accompanying sprinkles seemed to be doing their best to thwart her best laid plans.

Starting with lunch at Café Benirras – squid to die for and roast chicken that would be at home in a five-star ibiza restaurant – and a quick stroll on the sand, it was then onto the Hotel Hacienda for a sunset cocktail or two. Sadly, the sunset was not meant to be as the aforementioned clouds completely shrouded the skyline. While the icy wind stopped us from sitting on the striking deck in full view of the incredible Na Xamena cliffface, it didn’t stop us from making the most of the classic cocktail menu and feeling as though we were movie stars in disguise in the ultra luxurious settings of the hotel’s bar and restaurant. If only!

Once we were certain the rain had done its dash, it was next stop, Atzaro. While the hotel and spa remain open until the end of November, today was a special occasion for the venue to bid farewell and say thank you to those who are leaving the island before then.

Offering a buffet-style Sunday roast (gone was the open air seating, though the inside of the restaurant itself looked quite empty) there was the distinct feeling that winter had begun to set in despite the humidity in the air, which made Atzaro’s special ‘Wine Corner’ look all the more appealing – looks like vino tinto season is definitely upon us.

With a slightly older and more selective crowd than last night’s fiesta, there was a family vibe about the event with babies, toddlers, kids, teens and even dogs present. Speaking of which – and I mean kids not dogs – have you ever noticed how every single child in Ibiza seems to be blessed with incredibly good looks? I’m certainly not clucky but it seems to me that the Ibiza gene pool is the ideal environment to wade in if you want your brood to be Ibiza’s Next Top Models.

DJ Jon Sa Trinxa was on hand to provide the musical soundtrack, which seemed a little more classic rock and roll than the chillout the venue is known for – think Jimi Hendrix and AC/DC bootlegs pleasing the parents, if not the kids anyway.

As we left Atzaro tonight, I was absolutely blown away by the spectacular hanging light display from a pagoda as you enter the venue (I had walked in though reception so missed it the first time around). I suspect this could be the handiwork of the ultra-talented Roseline De Thelin – do you think they’ll let me borrow it for my balcony while the hotel is closed for winter?

THE GOOD: The fact it’s still nice enough to sit outdoors enjoying a wine without having to get too rugged up just yet. A light scarf or jacket is honestly all you need for now… surely another great boost for winter tourism if venues continue to extend their seasons next year.
THE BAD: Events like these would do well to be clearly signposted – as you enter the sprawling venue (unless you’ve been there many times before like Miss W) it can be difficult to work out where to go or even who to ask, let alone find the right bar or restaurant area. Just a thought for next season…
THE GOSSIP: Where were all the people? This was definitely one of Atzaro’s more quiet events and although it could be put down to the poor weather, Miss W couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps the end-of-season hangovers had actually finally started to set in for the island’s party people?