Sunday, October 12, 2008

11/10/08: KM5 Closing Party

Miss W was convinced it would be freezing cold under the stars tonight when she started to get ready for one of the most highly anticipated end-of-season events in Ibiza, the annual KM5 closing party. But what she forgot to bank on was the fact that each and every person remaining on the island would be in attendance, meaning the body warmth alone would more than make up for the fact there was a slight chill in the air.

Bad wardrobe choices aside – well actually it was a great wardrobe choice to tell you the truth, just not entirely appropriate given the circumstances – from the very minute my car was directed away from the KM5 car park and about half a kilometre down the road to park, it was clear that that this was going to be a very busy soiree indeed.

Whizzing through the gallery and briefly stopping to try a few things on for size in the boutique, the dance floor was the next stop where DJ Graham Sahara was already living up to the reputation he earned for himself at last year’s closing party – that is, for playing the best set of his life, with a packed and grooving dance floor to prove it. Alongside him were the FR4M3 VJs providing visual effects however Miss W had to admit that she wasn’t really looking at anything other than the many beautiful people on show!

Once outside, it was more of a milling-around-and-chatting type crowd – you know the type, ‘How was your summer? What are you up to in the winter? When are you leaving the island?’ Before repeating herself a hundred times for the second time in two days (‘Summer was amazing! Staying on the island for winter of course. I would never dream of leaving – things are just getting started!’) Miss W grabbed the White-ettes and headed straight for the bar – a girl can’t make possibly small talk without one of KM5’s divine mojitos to help loosen her lips.

It was nice to notice many of the club’s staff, security, managers and promoters – think Pacha, Space, Underground, Es Vive and more - finally out and about and making the most of the last days of the season- Miss W has often wondered whether these guys preferred to simply chill after the clubs have closed or are ready and waiting to spring into action on the other side of the bar. Looks like it was the latter.

As the clock struck three, KM5 literally turned from a lovely chilled bar into a crazy club in seconds – from people whistling and cheering each time a new song was played to the chaos of trying to make the move from inside to outdoors (it reminded Miss W of trying to move from the terrace to inside at DC10 at one stage – hectic indeed), incredibly long and arduous bathroom queues and virtually no chance of getting table service as the bar was so mobbed. Thankfully the specially created VIP areas were comfortable AND well looked after, a credit to the staff as managing to carry a tray of cocktails through this crowd was more than a feat, it was a miracle.

There were no sightings of Miss W’s new crush at KM5 tonight however it didn’t stop That Person Formerly Known As Semi-Boyfriend from popping into in my periphery view – looking very much the suave man about town - no matter where I chose to mingle, making Miss W wonder whether she’d made the right decision when choosing to end their relations. So of course rather than behave like a grown-up, I made a swift exit without saying goodbye and spent the rest of the night umming and ahhing over the lack of romance in my life. To be continued…

THE GOOD: It seems that hangovers just don’t exist in Ibiza, as every single person I’d seen indulging last night at Aura was experiencing a case of Groundhog Day and doing it all again tonight at KM5! Whether it’s something in the bottled water, something we can attribute to the magical energy of the island or simply just hair of the dog, one thing’s for sure – the residents of this island could win an Olympic gold medal for stamina hands down.
THE BAD: Discovering about half a dozen different fashion items in the boutique – including a hot pair of studded heels, a gorgeous cream leather cuff and a hippie-esque satchel with an embossed red stone love heart bag -that I seriously HAVE to have. What’s so bad about that? Well, manoeuvring a bunch of shopping bags through the hectic crowd and on the dance floor just isn’t Miss W’s style so I didn’t snap them up at the time, but now the store has closed for the season, I just can’t stop lusting after them! Waaah!
THE GOSSIP: It’s probably here that I should note: in Ibiza, even when your six inch heels dictate how far you can actually walk to reach your destination, it’s always wise to find a legal parking space as Miss W noticed the Grua (that’s the tow truck) and Policia working hand in hand tonight to generate as much revenue as possible by towing away every vehicle that was illegally parked. It’s just not worth the hassle – get dropped off at the door to avoid foot injuries and let your designated driver do the walking!