Tuesday, October 14, 2008

13/10/08: Circo Loco Closing Party @ Privilege

There’s a been a bit of a sombre shadow cast over the island this week, noticeable when the words ‘DC10’ and ‘Circo Loco’ are mentioned. The two, intrinsically linked, have gone from being the absolute ethos of the Ibiza underground to summing up all that is negative in terms of changes made by The Authorities in an attempt to dampen the Ibiza party spirit.

Miss W has never really considered herself a freedom fighter, however when it comes down to it, after much careful consideration, she has decided to pledge her allegiance to the ‘Save DC10’ cause. I believe we should have the right to dance in the daytime, in the sunshine and the open air. I believe that venues should be regulated, of course, in an attempt to provide a safe environment in which to dance, however I feel by simply taking a venue away, the authorities are driving parties even further underground, into the unsafe and unregulated environments of villas, illegal sites and even apartments which are not equipped to deal with any emergency situations should one arise.

Now raise your right hand and repeat after me:

‘I pledge allegiance to the flag of Circo Loco at DC10 and to the Island of Ibiza for which it stands. One island under dance, indivisible, with Luciano and Tania for all.’

That being said, tonight could mark the end for the legendary party after ten years of incredible after hours shenanigans, influential and groundbreaking music and putting bigger smiles on dials than any other party to date. So rather than take their beloved venue’s one-year forced closure on the chin, the organisers of Circo Loco relocated tonight’s scheduled closing party to Privilege, taking up residence in the Coco Loco and La Vaca rooms.

Tonight it seems, the show must go on… While the venue had been replaced by her understudy, the stars of the show were still firmly in place. From the doormen to the bar staff, dancers and DJs alike, if you squinted hard enough (and imagined the walls of Privilege painted yellow), you could almost believe you were actually at DC10. Even moving between the two rooms of the club and their differing musical styles felt like the transition between the terrace and inside at DC10. Sigh…

While the numbers seemed a little down on the previous week – not surprising given many UK workers have headed home this week – the atmosphere was still as energetic, electric and enthusiastic as the opening party. It seems in the eyes of those present, Circo Loco never dies.

From 6pm to a-l-m-o-s-t- 6.30am, doom and gloom was forgotten and the business of partying was the name of the game. Miss W discovered there is life beyond Luciano – the Romanian duo of Pedro and Rhadoo had me swooning for the final two hours of the party – and you KNOW I’m talking about their music, right?

When it came time for the final curtain call, the last bows and the standing ovation, it was a bittersweet affair – happiness at having pulled off one final renegade party and sadness that this may be the very last time the Circo Loco flag flies in Ibiza.

I have my fingers, toes and even my hair crossed that it’s not.

THE GOOD: Circo Loco founders agreeing to throw one last party in a new venue, despite the fact promoter Andrea Pelino has publicly declared ‘There is no Circo Loco without DC10.’ Why? According to a statement on their website, the decision to move the party to Privilege tonight (as with the previous week’s party) was due to an overwhelming response from the public and out of respect for the many people who had booked flights and accommodation specifically this party and for the residents of Ibiza – and for this bold move, Miss W says a huge R.E.S.P.E.C.T. to the Circo Loco crew!
THE BAD: Is the party really over? Is this really, really well and truly the end of an Ibiza era? I know they say all good things come to an end, but Miss W – and the rest of the party-going population – just isn’t ready to let this one go yet. Feel the same? Fight for your right to party and send your opinions to protocol@santjoseptalaia.cat and let’s see if together we can make a difference.
THE GOSSIP: It’s a well-documented fact that Miss W is quite possibly Luciano’s biggest fan so it’s no surprise that gossip regarding the Chilean superstar DJs movements make their way to her ears. Today’s big gossip? That in the absence of Circo Loco next summer, Luciano will commence a new residency at Pacha – news which has come to Miss W from TWO Very Reliable Sources. Hmmm. Let’s wait and see what happens in 2009…