Wednesday, March 19, 2008

19/03/08: Trans-seasonal fashion crisis

Everybody knows that Monday and Tuesday are the ‘unofficial’ weekend days here in Ibiza, so Miss W decided to give herself some downtime after the weekend’s antics, spending most of Monday pampering with scrubs, masks and a pedicure, even though it’s not exactly sandal season just yet. The island is still only operating at about 50 per cent, so I didn’t exactly feel guilty about not being out and about for a few days. A girl needs her beauty sleep after all.

Oh and by the way - this summer, toes are going to be all about hot pink. Yet again.

As usual, Hump Day (that’s Wednesday to those of you who need the hint) rolled around much faster than I would have liked, and Miss W found herself having to roll out of bed before 9am for a meeting with her fellow White-ettes. Thank god for Clarins Beauty Flash Balm is all I’ll say - and let me tell you this about that: you are going to hear me say this over and over and over again come summer!

To tell you the honest truth - between you and me and at the risk of getting into trouble with the White-ettes - I generally don’t do ANYTHING before 11am. Unless you count stalking my Potential Boyfriend on Facebook and drinking tea in pyjamas (which I do not). Despite my brain not being in full gear, I still managed to steer conversation from work to slouch boots (always in style in Ibiza), Jade Jagger, Russell Brand (whose Booky Wook I have just finished reading and I must say, I loved it and didn’t want it to end!) and what to wear to tonight’s very frou frou El Ayoun opening party!

Sadly for my pedicured tootsies, the weather seems far too cold to bare my toes, which means I needed to rely on my old faithful vintage stack-heeled tan boots combined with leggings and a black pleated Chanel-esque frock combined with a military coat - TOTALLY channelling Maggie Gyllenhaal. For the record, the dress was not actually Chanel - but the best I can do at such short notice!