Thursday, March 20, 2008

20/03/08: Braving the spring chill: VILLA MERCEDES

There are certain groups of people in Ibiza - and you know who you are - who turn their noses up at San Antonio, but never Miss W and the White-ettes. We say forget what you’ve seen on TV, check your attitude at the Egg and listen up. There are some seriously amazing venues on this side of the island - not to mention the most spectacular sunsets - and while San An is a ghost town from October to May, I’m excited to slowly but surely head back to my favourite haunts.

Tonight marked the grand re-opening of Villa Mercedes, the divinely upmarket restaurant owned by the lovable Javier of Café Mambo fame, which sits slightly to the left of the sunset strip but still boasts a stunning view. Villa Merc (as Miss W affectionately calls it) has the most gorgeous outdoor terrace area to enjoy long and chilled-out meals - think lazy lunches and indulgent three course dinners.

But sadly for tonight, the heat of the previous week was merely a memory, meaning revellers were left to huddle up against one another at the outdoor bar to retain warmth rather than dine alfresco. Shame really, since the food at Villa Merc is simply fabulous, even if you do risk a chill at this time of year. The fact it’s totally vegetarian and eco-friendly means extra points scored in my book - there’s a certain White-ette who is strictly veg-only and it’s a rarity for her to find a restaurant with more than one menu item for her to choose from (meaning our return visits are guaranteed). Our compliments to the chef indeed…


The good: The flamenco flavours of Paco Fernandez - who totally seems to be Mr Popular on the island entertainment circuit at the moment - kept guests on the terrace despite the cold snap.
The bad: The icy air of course - sharing body heat with new acquaintances is always a little bit awkward. Where were those heaters?
The gossip: There were a whispers about a well-known ex-employee of the Mambo group being notably absent - but Miss W can report there is absolutely no bad blood between the two, the person in question was simply not on the island at the time.