Thursday, March 27, 2008

27/03/08: Strike a pose: GISELE BUNDCHEN, ATZARO

I won’t bore you about my obsession with supermodels again - Miss W finds it SO TEDIOUS when people constantly repeat themselves - but have I mentioned how excited I was to interview Gisele? Well, no sooner had I finished my divine paella at Yemanja, than I was whisked off to Atzaro for a face-to-face with the Brazilian glamazon herself.

SIGH. She was every bit as fab - if not more - than I had hoped. Super smart, witty, knowledgeable, funny and of course, supremely beautiful, I chatted to Miss Bundchen about everything from Ibiza (of course) and shopping to the stock market and home renovations. No talk of her love life, but that’s fine - I mean, the girl’s here to promote sunglasses, not relationships!


Later in the evening, we were treated to another presentation - courtesy of MC Gisele in an amazing skin-tight white dress - at our favourite Agroturismo, Atzaro. As much as I love her, all I can say is thank heavens for champagne! It certainly helps ease the pain of killer heels throughout a press conference, photo call and video presentation.

Following was a fabulous meal (by which stage Gisele had disappeared - but don’t worry, she definitely does eat as we devoured some amazing goat’s cheese together earlier) and I was really impressed. It’s extremely hard to cater to a room of 250 picky, fussy, finicky journalists but Atzaro managed to pull it off. A round of applause please!

Atzaro And afterwards of course was the actual launch party. The who’s who of Ibiza turned out to watch Atomic Kitten (an odd selection given the locale, but who are we to comment?) perform in micro-frocks in a freezing cold plunge pool - poor loves. Queens of Noize provided the super cool 80s soundtrack to the rest of the evening as we danced the night away… conveniently forgetting that tomorrow is a school day!

I’ll save any further details of the party for magazines and newspapers but what I can tell you is that Gisele confided to that me she’d purchased her sexy slinky white dress at ultra exclusive boutique Mayurka in Ibiza Town the previous day and that when she thinks of Ibiza, she thinks white, white, white - dresses, bikinis, t-shirts, architecture… Was she reading my mind?

Actually, I like to think we had a kind of special bond, you know?

The good: The supermodel herself was so lovely, Miss W wanted to make her an honorary White-ette. Or adopt her as a sister. We look kind of similar from the back you know…
The bad: Atomic Kitten heckling the crowd and groping their own male dancers. Come on ladies (I use the term loosely), Ibiza Uncovered is a thing of the past.
The gossip: Though there were a lot of sunglasses around the venue to be tried on, we hear whispers there was a distinct lack of ‘gift bags’ towards the end of the event. What - Atomic Kitten weren’t enough for you guys?