Wednesday, March 5, 2008

5/03/08: It’s good to be back: BAMBUDDHA GROVE OPENING PARTY

It’s a well-known fact on the island that the annual Bambuddha Grove opening party marks the beginning of summer (even if we are still technically in spring!) and though the hangover from its famous Halloween closing party is still lurking a little too close to Miss W’s memory for comfort, the buzz about town was enough to make me brush it to one side, and get right back in the saddle again. Or is it back on the horse? I never know which. Either way, pass the cocktails!

Bambuddha Grove As I pulled into San Juan, it was clear Bambuddha Grove could have been re-named Ram-Buddha Grove, as the road was lined with luxury four wheel drives and the venue was teeming with familiar faces I was overjoyed to see return to the island - in particular one well-known promoter who appears to have swapped his party boy ways for a swish new TV presenting role - and locals too. Basically, you couldn’t swing a Jagger kid for fear of hitting an 80s pop star!

By the time the last chopsticks were laid to rest - as always, the food was sensational - the makeshift dance floor was packed. Most action took place by the bars, a melting pot (or in this case, wok!) of artists, models, musicians, music industry types, DJs, promoters, bar owners, clubbing identities and ex-football stars, all showing off suntans thanks to adventures in Thailand/Goa/Aspen/Australia! It appeared the entire population of Ibiza had dusted off their winter cobwebs to make an appearance, and it also made Miss W feel in desperate need of a fake bake, since I’d spent the entire winter in Ibiza!

The good: Seeing the movers and shakers starting the season early after a five-month hiatus. A boost for local tourism, right?
The bad: Where were the television cameras and why wasn’t Miss W asked to giver her take on the event?
The gossip: All eyes were firmly fixed on the VIP room - accessed only by those bearing a very special wristband - with whispers of a ‘magic punch’ circulating amongst those eager to get inside. Of course Miss W was there, but well, I never sip and tell!