Friday, July 4, 2008

03/07/08: BE @ Space opening

After two very successful practice runs late last season - and yes, Miss W was there to witness them both - there was much speculation as to whether Danny Tenaglia would return the island to begin his own residency at Space this year, and luckily for us, the rumours turned out to be true.

So Thursday nights it is - just when you thought there couldn’t be any more opening parties for Miss W to go to!

So in preparation to see one of New York’s finest, I got dressed up in my New York finest - a super-cool BCBG (but Missoni-esque) poncho purchased in the big apple a few years ago - hailed a cab and then hightailed it over the Space.

(Note to self: ENOUGH with the New York references. Think this may be a sign I’ve watched one too many episodes of Sex And The City this week. Need to get out more. Hmmm, I wonder whether the SATC film will EVER be shown in its original language here in Ibiza? I mean, I’m still learning Spanish, but I certainly don’t think I could keep up with Carrie’s relationships without subtitles to say the least!)

So where was I? That’s right, Space. I was expecting the usual six room extravaganza so was pretty surprised to see only the new terrace in operation when I arrived, but then again, when half the island is turning out simply to see one man, there’s no point trying to program music in the other rooms is there?

While Miss W has been known to linger around DJ booths in her time, there were way too many hangers on around DT tonight - looking like he'd brought his very own New York style entourage - which meant I made a beeline for the VIP area in order to have enough space to dance (quite ironic there was no space on the dance floor, given the name of the club), speedy table service for my drinks and a bird’s eye view of all the action.

The music? Classic Danny Tenaglia, a long and detailed journey through house-flavoured techno (does that make sense to anyone except me?), guaranteed to get you dancing and quite possibly inspire you to snap up DT’s latest album Futurism (Miss W currently has it on high rotation in the car!). The atmosphere? Electric. The punters wanted Danny, and it was pure Danny all the way. All the way down to his dorky cap and toy rave glasses - bless…

THE GOOD: Finally seeing Space building their very own flagship night - and the fact that DT is taking up residency in Ibiza of course!
THE BAD: Oh Danny. Those billboards. Those glasses. Need we say more?
THE GOSSIP: The dancers in the beach and pre-party parades looked suspiciously like a bunch of moonlighting Manumission girls… doesn’t anyone have any loyalty these days?