Tuesday, July 15, 2008

14/07/08: Miss W’s birthday!

Well, darned if I wasn’t just thinking that I was getting a little too old for clubbing and then my very own birthday rolled around yet again - it doesn’t feel like a year since the last one and yet I’m POSITIVE I still don’t look a day over 27! Wouldn’t you agree?

Miss W is certainly not one to let a birthday pass quietly or unannounced so an extra special fiesta was organised in my honour - for which a very big thank you goes out to My Very Special Housemate - at one of my favourite beachside locations, S’Estanyol.

There’s nothing better than a l-o-n-g, leisurely late lunch with about 30 of your closest mates, all digging into the mouth-wateringly delicious paella and drowning jugs of delicious sangria followed by the ceremonious verses of ‘happy birthday to you’ sung in unison with ‘cumpleanos feliz’ - a treat for all your senses.

And you know, Miss W does love the ritual of unwrapping a present (or two)!

Once the sun went down, My Very Famous DJ Friend jumped behind the decks - though sadly they wouldn’t play any Kylie Minogue for me, even though it was my very special birthday request - until around 2am, when it was time to relocate the party, just a hop, skip and a bumpy car ride down the dirt road to Pacha, where Roger Sanchez’s Release Yourself was in full swing.

The highlights? A White-ette doing her very best Pacha dancer impersonations (though thankfully she refrained from climbing into the life-sized champagne glass on the roof!), a Certain Club Promoter doing their best to try and sweet talk one of Pacha’s resident DJs to play at a rival club and a White-ette’s Wonderful Boyfriend saving the day (or night) and driving Miss W home when there were no taxis to be found - thank you ever so much!

Even though it was technically a school night, I managed to skip home through the cobbled streets of Dalt Vila just in time to catch the views of the stunning sunrise from my balcony (a view which never ceases to amaze me), while getting plenty of birthday love from my (most likely just hungry) new kitten and my beautiful (but grumpy) old cat.

Aren’t birthdays in Ibiza just fabulous? I may have to make like Alice In Wonderland and throw myself an ‘un-birthday’ party next week so I can do it all again!

THE GOOD: All my wonderful extravagant gifts… errr, I mean, all my wonderful generous friends!
THE BAD: Well, though I am loathe to complain about anything on my birthday, I must admit that the art of the birthday cake seems to be lost on the Spanish bakeries. It’s fruit flan or fake cream all the way here in ibiza - but all I really wanted was a batch of Magnolia Bakery style cupcakes!
THE GOSSIP: All eyes were on Miss W’s Kind Of Boyfriend tonight in anticipation of the gifts he would bestow - but Miss W will have to report on that later as he turned up to my soiree empty handed… I’m presuming he’ll be making up for it later?