Wednesday, July 9, 2008

08/07/08: Carl Cox Opening Party

What do you mean there are more opening parties? Don’t these people know it’s July already? Seriously, how many new outfits can a girl continue to buy? Actually, now that I think of it, there are seven clubs, each open seven nights, each of which will be having an opening party - you do the math!

Looks like Miss W had better start saving her euros for the closing party wardrobe pretty soon then!

OK, so I may have gotten just a little off topic, but the fact of the matter is, the opening parties just keep on coming. Tonight marks the opening of everyone’s favourite techno DJ’s legendary party at Space, and I’m talking about none other than the big man himself, Carl Cox. With just a few of his very favourite friends (tonight, Green Velvet and James Lavelle) on hand to help out behind the decks - so very kind of them.

What I love most about Carl’s party is that you get the chance to experience Space in all its glory, without missing out on any of the musical action, thanks to the fact Mr Cox plays two sets - one on the sunset terrace before midnight and another - the most highly anticipated on - inside the packed discotek much later on. There’s no freaking out about rushing between rooms or stressing about set times - this really is the clubber’s party.

As in previous years, when the main room has reached its peak, a giant white sheet is thrown across the heads (more likely, the raised arms) on the entire dancefloor, enveloping them in a parachute like cocoon bubble. If Miss W didn’t have her Kind Of Boyfriend on hand to keep her protected she may have gotten a little claustrophobic, but as it stands, managed to get into the spirit of things and scream and cheer enthusiastically as it was whipped off!

Of course, after all the excitement (and the slight moment where I almost panicked in sheer terror), I needed to retire to the comfort of the VIP area and sip on a champers whilst having my shoulders massaged to calm my nerves.

Maybe Miss W is getting just a tad too old for all this clubbing malarky?

THE GOOD: While Carl has plenty of famous friends gracing the decks, he’s also supporting a lot of fresh talent. Miss W was particularly impressed with a young lad going by the name of Mr Doris, spinning the wheels of steel on the Premier Etage all night long. The guy has a seriously amazing music collection and will be playing here every week so be sure to check him out.
THE BAD: The fact that the party only goes for nine weeks. What’s wrong with playing an extended summer like everyone else?
THE GOSSIP: The hype surrounding Carl Cox’s ‘friends’. Is it really possible that each and every one of those ultra-famous DJs is actually a good mate or is it simply a gimmick to promote the amazing line-ups? Miss W hears from her Very Reliable Source that it is indeed the truth, and all DJs mentioned on the flyer have at some point been round to Carl’s place for tea! Bless…