Wednesday, July 9, 2008

08/07/08: Beach Azuli @ Sol Den Serra

After an impressive debut in June, Beach Azuli returned to Sol Den Serra for the second in their series of not-so-secret beach parties and Miss W was on hand for the duration of the event in the interests of quality control of course.

From the 4pm kick-off time it was clear that Azuli weren’t going to have any problem filling the venue, with streams of cars and taxis making a beeline for Cala Llonga to make the most of the afternoon sunshine. There were sparkling kaftans aplenty, enough camera crews to feel like you were at Ibiza’s equivalent of the Cannes Film Festival and the odd local celebrity or two thrown in for good measure.

Miss W was particularly pleased to see White Ibiza’s favourite winemaker Laurent Fresard (with his family flown all the way from France for the occasion!) had managed to secure his very own wine bar on the sand, with the Ibizkus flowing thick and fast to quench the thirst of the many partygoers. And what a pretty sight all those sparkling champagne flutes filled with the striking pink vino made, glittering in the sun! Photo opportunity anyone?

So as for my quality control checks? It was simple. Stunning venue? Check. Beautiful people? Check. Icy mojitos, chilled vibes and the luxury of dancing on soft sand in the sunlight? Check, check and checkmate! When you’re onto a good thing…

THE GOOD: Picture perfect weather at a picture perfect venue with a picture perfect crowd - this was an event that could have been featured in the latest edition of Vogue!
THE BAD: The music. While I don’t make any claims to be a music critic, I know what I like and let’s just say the music embellished with live vocals in the late afternoon wasn’t to my taste! Top marks go to to Italian hottie Alex Neri for steering it back on course later on.
THE GOSSIP: Miss W had to wonder why the Sol Den Serra restaurant wasn’t open for the duration of the event and why the gourmet barbeque from the first event had turned into the equivalent of a pricey sausage sizzle? Just because we’re dancing on the sand doesn’t mean we don’t want to nibble on sushi…