Tuesday, July 8, 2008

07/07/08: Tiesto @ Privilege opening

While Ibiza seems to be the centre of the dance music universe, Miss W has to admit that the idea of heading to a venue packed full of 10 000 clubbers raving to trance music is not her idea of a good time. In fact, I’d rather poke myself in the eye with a blunt fork to be honest.

Oh sorry - did I just get off on the wrong foot?

What I meant to say was, it was with trepidation that Miss W headed to the World’s Biggest Club, Privilege for the opening party of the award winning ‘Best Global DJ’ Tiesto’s brand spanking new residency. It’s called in search of sunrise, but I’ve got to say, with all the lasers, light shows and visuals going on, it seemed pretty clear to me that this was a NIGHT club in full swing - full to its 10 000 person capacity in fact.

Of course, Miss W had reserved herself a seat in the plush Privilege VIP section, mainly to avoid her toes being trampled on by the hordes - a good pedicure doesn’t come cheap in Ibiza these days you know - and upon arriving at the club just a tad after midnight, I was very glad I had done so. The place was literally packed to the rafters, meaning the VIP was really the only place you could get a little breathing (and dancing) space.

Tonight I have to say, Privilege felt more like a rock stadium than a club to me, thought the music - a cross section of trance, house and chunky techno - was certainly not rocky in any way. I’ve got to admit, combined with the cinema-sized screens, the amazing visuals and the enthusiasm of the crowd (not to mention Tiesto himself), I even got quite into it!

Guess they don’t call him the best for nothing! Apparently it takes an entire day to dismantle the production, so Privilege is closed on Tuesdays. Do you think this means Miss W can take the day off to recover as well?

THE GOOD: Wow. How impressive is Privilege when she’s all dolled up and ready to impress? Seeing Tiesto utilise the venue to its full capacity really turned my opinion of the ultimate super club on its head. I think it’s safe to say I’ll be back!
THE BAD: What to wear? With so many people in one place, it’s almost certain you’ll see someone wearing the same thing as you! Though then again, it’s so huge the chances of running into your fashion twin is quite slim too…
THE GOSSIP: Getting one’s name on a guest list for Tiesto is virtually impossible. Perhaps the massive scale of the production means that every euro is needed to cover costs? It’s certainly something the island’s VIP set are not used to…