Friday, July 18, 2008

17/07/08: B.For Planet Sushi opening

It seems to Miss W that Ibiza has really been growing up lately. Not in a coming-of-age way - she did that years ago, with the advent of the VIP and concierge culture. No, this time I mean it’s more like a girl in her late twenties suddenly realising that she no longer wants to wear boob tubes and cowboy boots and swapping her glitter eyeshadow for stylish-yet-understated Chanel eye make-up. I think what I’m trying to say here is that I’m really loving Ibiza’s recent style makeover.

We’ve seen dated old buildings become stylishly rendered apartment blocks, simple beachwear shops become sophisticated and in demand designer labels and dodgy old cafes morph into stunningly restored restaurants and none achieving this last feat better than Ibiza’s newest addition to the great sushi lounge invasion of 2008, B.For Planet Sushi.

Taking what was once a non-descript cafĂ©-cum-restaurant dominating the ground floor of a dated white apartment building on a pretty boring stretch of road famous only for its resident super club, the infamous high-end sushi train (excuse the pun!) and converting it into an ultra-modern restaurant and lounge bar that wouldn’t be out of place in New York, London, Sydney or Tokyo, it looks like Planet Sushi are on a roll.

All jokes aside, you won’t find any tacky sushi trains here - Miss W was pleased to note the striking wooden decks, complete with sparkling-yet subtle lights on the open air terrace, with a slick and streamlined interior including a softly illuminated bar area, following in the footsteps of its predecessors around the world.

Who was there? Who wasn’t! Another occasion for the social butterflies of the White Isle to catch up - all in the name of work for Miss W - though thankfully now the season is in full swing, conversations have turned to how summer is progressing rather than what our winter adventures were like and what the summer has in store - about time!

THE GOOD: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. A girl can NEVER have too much sushi. Welcome to the neighbourhood Planet Sushi, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship…
THE BAD: The invite only event may have had free flowing wine but wasn’t so generous with the main event - and yes I’m talking about sushi! While Miss W is no freeloader, it does seem a little strange to invite Ibiza’s A-List for a tasting and then ask them to cough up for the bill, don’t you think?
THE GOSSIP: The talk (in conspiratorial hush-hush tones of course) of the evening was just how a certain very famous nightclub that happens to be just a few hundred metres down the road and boasts it very own sushi bar would deal with the shiny new kid on the block as competition. Miss W says just wait and see - she believes that certain nightclub never misses a trick! Oh - and whatever is that name all about anyway?