Tuesday, July 29, 2008

29/07/08: Quantum Yoga

Recently a certain White-ette mentioned to Miss W that there were some all-new drop-in yoga classes being held on the terrace at the divine Macao On The Rocks and suggested we try it out, being bikini season and all. She also happened to mention this fact to me during one of my short-lived detoxes (yes, oddly Miss W is prone to starting a health kick during the silly summer season in Ibiza) so it seems I have agreed to get out of bed at silly o’clock (that’s just actually before 10am) today and head to the pebbly shores of Es Codolar to test out Quantum Yoga with expert instructor Lara Baumann.

Not being much of an exercise bunny at the best of times (I mean seriously, we live in Ibiza. Isn’t dancing enough?) meant I was plagued with the same old question I deal with each and every time I leave the house – whatever am I going to wear?

Now let me say this about that. Dressing for seaside yoga is not an easy task when your wardrobe consists of frocks, tops, kaftans, bikinis, an assortment of denim and a plethora of sandals, flip flops and cowboy boots – all I can say is thank god yoga is a barefoot sport (though I’m not sure that you should call it a sport?) since I REALLY couldn’t have fudged the footwear. I managed to dig out a pair of cute stretchy hotpants – left over from my days as a wannabe Manumission girl – and teamed it with a lovely yellow smiley face promo t-shirt courtesy my good friends at We Love Space (THE current must-have tourist item on the island at the moment BTW) to help me start feeling the positive vibes then my trusty White-ette and I jumped into the White-mobile and away we went!

From the minute we pulled into Es Codolar I was overcome with a sense of calm – the turquoise water and glossy grey pebbles are like something straight out of a movie set (and we all know how much Miss W loves a starring role) and the fact that the beach is virtually empty at this hour meant my self consciousness about doing yoga in public completely dissipated. Facing the sea, on the wooden terrace of Macao were our mats, and with the sound of the water lapping the shore along with the twittering birds and crickets, it really was enough to make me feel like Gwyneth Paltrow before I’d even attempted a downward dog!

According to the press material, Quantam Yoga is ‘a flowing dynamic form that supports the creative construction of vinyasa yoga sequences ideally suited to the individual.’ According to Miss W, it’s a really enjoyable free-flowing series of postures (that are as relatively easy or as strenuous as you choose to make them) combined with a special breathing technique that inspired me to want to continue with the practice in order to be able to contort myself into the peak pose, the ‘King Pigeon’ – which looks a whole lot more elegant than it sounds – just like my new guru, Lara had demonstrated with ease, grace and a smile on her face.

But judging by my aches, pains and grimaces as I sit at the computer now, looks like I have a long way to go just yet…

THE GOOD: Jumping in the sea directly after finishing the class and swimming straight out to the trampoline like pontoon just off shore for a sneaky sunbathe before heading back to the office. Oh - and did I mention that the classes are followed by a divine breakfast at Macao? Heavenly!
THE BAD: My total lack of flexibility – ouch! Looks like I’ll need to work on that a little if I want to become a yogi like Lara…
THE GOSSIP: Lara is about to release the third in her series of Quantum Yoga CDs, in conjunction with some amazing Ibiza DJs including Sven Vath, Bushwacka! and Rob Marmot. But can techno and yoga really go hand in hand? Only time will tell – that’s if the eagerly awaited delivery of CDs arrives on the island in time for her launch party on Saturday night! Fingers, arms and legs crossed (in a yoga-fied manner of course) for you Lara…